The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Tuesday February 11th

Lilly Ward

Sandy Williams IV, The Wax Monuments, 2024 (Photo courtesy of Bruce M. White).

Grounds For Sculpture’s latest exhibition asks, ‘How can we remake our relationship to monuments?’

Americans’ views of figures on pedestals occupying public space is troubled. Monuments are concrete objects that bring history to life, often considered to be untouchable or permanent. Chiseled into stone, or mixed into molten bronze is the intent to shape public perception and collective memory. What becomes contentious is whose collective memory is prioritized and whose stories are forgotten.  

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“Symbiotic Juxtaposition,” 2023, Alia Bensliman. (Photo by Lilly Ward)

Finding hope and identity in Princeton Art Museum’s Art@Bainbridge Gallery’s exhibit, ‘Reciting Women: Alia Bensliman & Khalilah Sabree’

In the Princeton Bainbridge Gallery’s latest exhibit, “Reciting Women: Alia Bensliman & Khalilah Sabree,” two Muslim-American artists based in Trenton draw on their personal and spiritual experiences. The exhibition is an exploration of imagery in order to document and honor the constant evolution of cultural identity.

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(Photo courtesy of Flickr / “Instagram-logo” by Ken Ken / June 21, 2022)

Five Iranian artists to follow on Instagram

The recent execution of a 21-year-old man in Iran for his participation in the political protests sparked by the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, is a reminder of the continuing crackdown on dissent by the Iranian government. One of the ways that we can learn more about the events in Iran surrounding the Woman, Life, Freedom movement, is through the artwork produced by Iranian artists.

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Photo by Lilly Ward

OPINION: Desk assistants are no longer in the apartments: Here’s why residents should care

Just as some residents may have concerns about the security of the buildings without DAs, other students may remain unfazed by this new change implemented by Residential Education and Housing, who made the decision to remove DAs in an attempt to reduce costs at a time when the College is facing budget shortfalls. This decision raises the question: should security in residential halls be compromised to cut down on costs?

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(Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Andrew Russeth, March 9, 2010).

Performance artist Marina Abramović announces new skincare line

Marina Abramović, a renowned Serbian performance artist, is daunted by little. In 1974 in a gallery in Naples, Italy, her performance “Rhythm 0” involved placing 72 items on a table and allowing the audience to choose how to use them on her. Some of the items included perfume, flowers and lipstick. However, other objects such as a gun, a bullet and scissors left the artist vulnerable to violence.

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