The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday September 7th

Kelly Kim

With Smiskis and Sonny Angels always being closely associated with one another, there is much debate about which is better. (Photo by Kelly Kim / Correspondent)

OPINION: There is such a thing as the “superior” collectible

If you are part of the many who love to collect collectibles and figurines, congratulations, you have now joined those with an unhealthy obsession with spending whatever means necessary to fuel a newfound addiction. Some of the more sought-after collectible items are Smiskis and Sonny Angels, popular amongst those in all age groups who share a collective vigor to obtain as many as possible. 

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Author Ali Hazelwood continues to inspire women of all ages through her romance novels. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / FutUndBeidl, June 10, 2012)

OPINION: Ali Hazelwood is changing the romance genre

Ali Hazelwood's books have a central and sustained pattern in which the storylines and the characters all have some connection to science, tech, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Hazelwood has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and understands the challenges women face in the field, ranging from imposter syndrome to discriminatory work settings to being the only woman in a male-dominated room. Regarding these struggles, she takes her real-life experiences and shares them through her characters, demonstrating the hardships women like herself must face to excel.

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Many events, which students can attend, are hosted in the Brower Student Center (Photo courtesy of Brooke Zevon / Staff Photographer).

OPINION: Learning something new can be exciting

The Department of World Languages and Cultures Department hosted a series of events in October to promote and enjoy the different cultural aspects that it has to offer. In support of my friend who takes Chinese classes, I decided to go to the events because I was also curious about what a calligraphy class would entail.

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TikTok recently added a shop feature to its platform (Photo courtesy of Flickr / “TikTok” by Solen Feyissa / August 2, 2020).

OPINION: TikTok shop is a capitalist ploy and consumerist trap for its users

It comes as no surprise that social media plays a huge role in trends dying hard and fast, leaving people to participate in fads that only last until something trendier comes along. Social media has the ability to market and announce anything with ease since influencers have the capacity to reach a large audience. Through social media’s influence, a slow and steady trend seems to be forming as with the rise of capitalism. That is, a rise of consumerism, which has drastically changed the ways in which people shop, allowing justification for unnecessary purchases without a second thought. 

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Some areas of the College need better infrastructure (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Gladstone / Multimedia Coordinator).

OPINION: The College has an infrastructure problem

This occurrence and the lack of effort to fix the issue got me wondering about the poor infrastructure around campus, and how there are so many locations that need fixing. Yet, the efforts in trying to remedy those problems seem lackluster at best. It is not just that one walkway outside of Bliss Hall that has infrastructural issues. There are other locations, such as the unlevel surfaces in front of the Travers and Wolfe towers. 

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(Photo courtesy of Flickr / “Notebook Computer on Desk” by Image Catalog / October 23, 2015).

OPINION: There are Better Ways to Study

With school, I think half the battle is just completing the mountainous amount of work that needs to get done at a certain time. While there are copious amounts of studying for endless assignments, when it comes to homework, it feels like a chore at times. 

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(Photo courtesy of Brooke Zevon / Staff Photographer).

OPINION: Thoughts on the best level of the Lib

Of all the possible study spots on campus, the library is without a doubt one of the most popular places to go, and for good reason too. From the Library Café located conveniently on the first floor, to the four floors filled with study rooms and individual study cubicles, one can only wonder which floor is optimal for maximum studying sessions. I would say it depends on the mode of motivation and focus you want to have.

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