The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday September 7th

Emma Ferschweiler

(Photos courtesy of Emma Ferschweiler / Staff Writer)

Anti-Violence Initatives volunteers led a workshop on sex misconceptions

Students gathered for a workshop about sexuality, sex and consent hosted by the College’s Counseling and Prevention Services (CAPS) on Sept. 28 in Brower Student Center 225 East. The meeting was run by fellow students who are part of the Anti-Violence Initiatives (AVI) under CAPS. Co-sponsors for the event were the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, Delta Zeta sorority, Kappa Delta sorority and the College’s gender and sexuality alliance, Prism. 

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President Foster cuts the ribbon for the Center for Student Success’s new Advising Bar in Roscoe West Hall on Oct. 27 (Emma Ferschweiler / Staff Writer).

Center for Student Success launches new Advising Bar to help struggling students

The College’s Center for Student Success (CSS) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Oct. 27 to reveal the Advising Bar, which is a supplemental advising program to the tutoring and other support offered by CSS. With one snip of her golden scissors, President Foster unveiled the space located in the lobby of Roscoe West Hall where struggling students can be helped within minutes with tutoring, workshops and walk-in questions facilitated by trained students.

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