The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday September 7th


Stage productions are often what comes to mind when people think of musicals. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, Jan. 1, 2023)

OPINION: No, you don’t hate musicals

What interests me about the holistic hate of musicals is how people don’t understand musicals to begin with, and not in the sense that they don't get the point of them. For example, a common critique is that musicals take too long to get to the point of their story. This is a valid criticism. What I’m talking about is more related to what detractors even consider a musical to be.

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Amidst the media storm surrounding Kate Middleton’s whereabouts, the Princess issued a statement revealing her cancer diagnosis. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Tom Soper Photography, Sep. 12, 2012)

OPINION: Celebrities deserve the basic human right to privacy

Because celebrities choose to place themselves within the public sphere, society has grown accustomed to having the personal lives of these public figures within their reach. I know first-hand how easy it is to get wrapped up in every scandal publicized in the media; however, at the end of the day, we are only entitled to the information that a person chooses to share, celebrity or not. 

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OpenAI’s “Sora” converts text prompts into videos with advanced models. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Jernej Furman, May 22, 2023)

OPINION: OpenAI’s Sora does not need to exist

OpenAI's Sora has emerged as a groundbreaking text-to-video generative model, showcasing impressive capabilities and sparking excitement across various industries. However, as I delve into the depths of this technology, I find myself increasingly skeptical of its existence, primarily due to its potential to diminish the essence of human creativity in content creation.

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Rappers produce songs with lyrics lacking substance, whereas MCs such as Kendrick Lamar produce more complex content. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / Jon Elbaz, June 7, 2012)

OPINION: Too many rappers, not enough MCs

Speaking through songs reaches countless people. After all, everyone listens to music. Songs promote ideas, and ideas promote change. Gen-Z cares more about change than any other living generation, and famous artists miss the opportunity to communicate relative and valuable information.

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The College's Tap Ensemble, performing for Homecoming, 2023. (Photo by Briana Keenan / Correspondent)

OPINION: Passions often shift at the college level

Transitioning into and out of different phases of my life, I have realized that the pastimes I once saw as my main passions have shifted. Although the future is uncertain, I am excited to embark on a new journey and continue learning; and at the end of the day, I know that I will end up where I am meant to be in my career.

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A person’s politics are shaped by many factors including their upbringing, lived experiences, religion, race and socioeconomic status. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / dhendrix73, Feb. 2, 2012)

OPINION: People are more than their politics

At the end of the day, people are defined by how they treat and respect others and their desire for self-betterment – not by their politics. When you think of who you are as a person, is the first thing that comes to mind politics? I guarantee you that it’s not.

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Author Ali Hazelwood continues to inspire women of all ages through her romance novels. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / FutUndBeidl, June 10, 2012)

OPINION: Ali Hazelwood is changing the romance genre

Ali Hazelwood's books have a central and sustained pattern in which the storylines and the characters all have some connection to science, tech, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Hazelwood has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and understands the challenges women face in the field, ranging from imposter syndrome to discriminatory work settings to being the only woman in a male-dominated room. Regarding these struggles, she takes her real-life experiences and shares them through her characters, demonstrating the hardships women like herself must face to excel.

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RateMyProfessors is a website consisting of reviews written by students, about their professors. (Photo by Kate Zydor / Opinions Editor)

OPINION: RateMyProfessors reviews should be taken with a grain of salt

“Oh, I checked their RateMyProfessors and it was horrible — don’t take a class with them,” is a sentence frequently heard on college campuses around the country. A website that lets students speak candidly about their experiences with professors seems like a useful tool, and a lot of students swear by the platform. While there are definite positives that come from RateMyProfessors, there are downsides that need to be addressed.

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(Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / “Book Banning Protest, Atlanta, GA” by John Ramspott / Feb. 12, 2022)

OPINION: No more ‘Hair Love’: The most ridiculous book banning

In the children’s picture book, “Hair Love,” by Matthew A. Cherry, a little girl struggles to style her natural curly hair. Her dad realizes what his daughter is experiencing and despite his doubts about his abilities, he immediately steps in to give his child a hand. A picture book about a father helping his daughter style her hair could never be banned, right? It can if the father and daughter in question are Black.

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(Photo courtesy of Flickr / “snapchat” by Stock Catalog / July 9, 2018)

OPINION: The dystopian reality of Austin McBroom

Family vlogging, the idea of filming one’s children to upload on social media to garner views and fame, is a rather new concept that has only gained popularity in the past 15 years. Some families become so famous for vlogging that their children become more like cash cows instead of tiny humans with sentience who are affected by their parent’s actions. This cannot be more true for the ACE Family.

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Photo courtesy of Flickr

OPINION: Civility is dead — Just check the comments section

In today’s society, there is a widely held belief that if people choose to post themselves on social media, they are deserving of any criticism that results from them having an online presence, even an assault on their very existence. It has become commonplace to attack people through social platforms based on qualities that can be construed as “irritating.”

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The Super Bowl halftime show is a near-mythological pop-culture event. (Photo courtesy of Flickr / “Justin Timberlake’s Super Bowl LII Halftime Show, Minneapolis MN” / February 6, 2018)

OPINION: Great halftime shows have three key elements

The Super Bowl halftime show has rightfully gained a legacy as being a huge honor for the artist chosen. As far as testaments to one’s artistic ability go, successfully swaying the audience at the Super Bowl is perhaps the pinnacle. A successful halftime show is a complicated formula of varying factors, factors that ensure that a performance will be successful, or in other words, memorable.

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Students in a clinical or practicum must follow their district's schedule in the event of a snow day (Photo by Shane Gillespie / Photo Editor)

OPINION: Snow days should apply to everyone, including student teachers

The College needs to heavily reconsider what they expect of student teachers on snow days. There is currently a rule that all students in a clinical or practicum are expected to follow their district’s schedule and go to their respective placements in the event of a snow day. This is risking the safety of our students, which can be prevented if we can follow the College’s schedule rather than the respective districts.

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Streaming services are the most popular platforms through which Americans watch television (Photo courtesy of Flickr).

OPINION: Today’s streaming services are underwhelming

Gone are the days of cable TV, as streaming services are more convenient for people who want to binge-watch movies or one of their favorite shows. Despite this, the quality of such services is often not discussed. If you have most of these streaming platforms, you’ll be able to access a wide variety of great movies and shows. Individually, however, I believe that most of them have glaring problems.

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