The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday September 7th


Cristina Henríquez, author of “The Book of Unknown Americans,” delivers keynote address to the class of 2027 as part of the Summer Reading Program (Photo courtesy of Shane Gillespie/ Photo Editor).

The 2023 Summer Reading Program sparks discussion about the immigrant experience among first-year students

Between convocation and being introduced to their academic departments, the class of 2027 and transfer students finished their summer reading requirement by attending the keynote address delivered by author Cristina Henríquez at Kendall Hall. The summer reading program serves to unite incoming students under a certain theme that encourages them to think critically and interact with their peers. 

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A blanket of smoke covers the football stadium of the College on the evening of June 7 (Photo courtesy of Mike Sherr / Editor-In-Chief).

Canadian wildfires smoke out NJ

During this exceptionally hot and dry season, Canada has become a hotspot for wildfires just at the beginning of the summer. Their wildfire season started in May and will not end until October. This destructive natural disaster event happening in the northernmost points of North America is heavily affecting several states in America including New York and New Jersey. 

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Solar panels in Lot 5 (Photo Courtesy of Anthony DePrimo).

An energizing celebration: The College turns on solar panels

In conjunction with the College’s sustainability plan, the new solar panels placed in parking lots four and five were powered on alongside a celebration on Wednesday, June 14. The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on Sundial Lawn. The solar panels would have been energized and celebrated even sooner, but unfortunately this was not possible due to some uncontrollable issues in the process.

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