Mission Statement
The Signal, the student-run publication of The College of New Jersey is dedicated to serving the following mission:
Code of Ethics
Editing & Corrections Policy
Fabrication and Plagiarism Policy
Guest Opinion Policy
Any student of the College can publish a guest opinion piece through The Signal. Opinions made within a guest opinion piece are not reflective of the editorial board of The Signal and should be regarded as such.
To submit a guest opinion article, email signal@tcnj.edu.
Every guest opinion article submitted must include the writer’s full name to ensure credibility.
Anonymous pieces will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be determined by the editorial board for safety or other specific reasons.
The Signal maintains the right to edit submitted guest opinion pieces in order to fit the style of The Signal and follow the AP Style guidelines. The Signal will not change the tone or content of the article, but may edit the piece to fit the organization’s writing style.
Letter to the Editor Policy
The Signal accepts letters to the editor from any member of the greater TCNJ community. Please send submissions to signal@tcnj.edu.
The Signal will review all submissions before publication and reserves the right to decide whether or not to publish a letter.
Letters that address current issues regarding TCNJ, or national or international trends or topics will be prioritized.
Source Policy
Sponsored Content Policy
Pictorial Policy
Social media Policy
Community Guidelines for tcnjsignalnews.com
All policies have been agreed upon by the Signal Editorial Board.