The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday March 29th

Cop Shop: A dip in the lake, a dance on the bus

<p><em>Incidents included in this report occurred between Nov. 12 and Nov. 26 (Photo by Erin Reilly / Staff Photographer).</em></p>

Incidents included in this report occurred between Nov. 12 and Nov. 26 (Photo by Erin Reilly / Staff Photographer).

By Isabella Darcy
Managing Editor

The Signal and Campus Police work together on a weekly basis to inform the campus community about crime on and around campus. All records given to The Signal are public records and do not contain personal information. Some information provided may be triggering for some students.

Nov. 12: Booted

A black Volkswagen Jetta was booted by Campus Police around lunchtime because it had already acquired three unpaid tickets and was parked in a service vehicle only spot on Metzer Drive. 

One more ticket for boot removal was issued to the Volkswagen. It also received a warning for parking in a service vehicle only spot.

Nov. 14: Possibly intoxicated passenger

A New Jersey Transit bus driver called Campus Police in the early evening to report a passenger who may have been intoxicated. The bus driver told Campus Police that the passenger had been singing and dancing when he first boarded.

When officers arrived at the bus, the passenger was not conscious or responding when officers tried to wake him. After Campus Police made multiple failed attempts to wake him, Ewing Township EMS arrived and assessed the passenger. 

The man eventually began responding while EMTs evaluated him. The responders noticed that his eyes were dilated.

Campus Police and Ewing Township EMS helped the man off of the bus. He was later transported to Capital Health Regional Medical Center. EMTs told officers they believe the man was on drugs.

Nov. 14: Bad cut

A student who cut her hand when it got stuck in a Music Building door was transported to Capital Health Regional Medical Center around dinner time. 

Campus Police and Ewing Township EMS responded to reports of the injured student. The student told officers that the cut had been bleeding a lot before they had arrived, and that she thought she could see her bone. Officers wrapped the student's injury in gauze and secured it with medical tape while they waited for EMTs to arrive. 

Once Ewing EMS got to campus, the EMTs cared for the student and later transported her to the hospital.

Nov. 15: Booted

A silver Subaru Outback that was parked in Lot 5 was booted by Campus Police in the early morning because it had already acquired three unpaid tickets. 

One more ticket for boot removal was issued to the Subaru.

Nov. 15: Booted

A red Honda Civic was booted by Campus Police in the early morning because it had already acquired three unpaid tickets and was parked without a valid decal in Lot 6. 

Two more tickets were issued to the Honda: one for parking without a valid decal and the other for boot removal.

Nov. 15: Burnt mac-n-cheese 

A smoke detector in a Cromwell Hall room was triggered after macaroni and cheese was burnt in a microwave. The building was not evacuated, but Campus Police and Ewing Township Fire Department responded to the room. 

The student who was making the dish told Campus Police that it burnt because she forgot to add water before cooking it. Her room was filled with smoke, so firefighters used a fan to air it out.

Nov. 15: Booted, but not a vehicle

An individual twisted and injured her ankle in a patch of grass while walking near Trenton Hall around dinner time. 

Campus Police and Ewing Township EMS responded to a report of a sprained ankle, and evaluated the injury. The individual was able to stand on her own, but walked with a limp. 

When asked if she would like further medical treatment, she refused and told responders that she had sprained her ankle before and had crutches and a boot to use.

Nov. 16: Booted

A blue Honda HR-V was booted by Campus Police in the early morning because it had already acquired three unpaid tickets and was parked without a valid decal in Lot 6. 

Two more tickets were issued to the Honda: one for parking without a visitors pass and the other for boot removal.

Nov. 16: Booted

A silver Toyota Avalon was booted by Campus Police in the early evening because it was parked in a service spot on F street for an extended period of time and had already acquired four unpaid tickets. 

Two more tickets were issued to the Toyota: one for parking in a service spot and the other for boot removal.

Nov. 17: Intoxicated student

A student vomited on Metzer Drive while she was coming back to campus after a party just after midnight. The student was standing next to her boyfriend's minivan, which had its flashers on. 

Campus Police noticed the parked minivan, and stopped to see what was going on. 

The student told an officer that she had been drinking alcohol and eating pizza at the party. She also said that she had been feeling woozy, so she called her boyfriend to pick up her and her friends.

While the group was on their way to drop the friends at Townhouses West, the student told her boyfriend to pull over because she felt sick. 

TCNJ EMS arrived at the scene soon after officers, and cared for the student. The student refused any further medical care. 

Nov. 17: Passed out

A student passed out in the Library Café just after noon. 

Campus Police and Ewing Township EMS responded to the scene. When Campus Police arrived, the student was alert and conscious. She told officers that she commonly passes out when she does not eat or drink enough, and that she had not eaten yet. 

Officers gave the student a glucose gel to consume, and EMTs evaluated her. The student then refused further medical attention.

Nov. 17: Transport

A woman who had missed her bus was standing in the Jersey Mike’s Subs parking lot holding a golf club and multiple bags of clothing in the early evening. Campus Police received a report about the “possibly disoriented” woman and responded to the scene. 

Officers observed that the woman seemed to be trying to warm herself up. When they talked to her, the woman said that she had been waiting in the cold for hours and was suffering from frostbite in her hands. She then requested medical assistance.

Ewing Township EMS evaluated and cared for the woman, and then transported her to Capital Health Regional Medical Center.

Nov. 18: A dip in the lake

At least 10 students who are on the football team swam in Lake Sylva just before noon to celebrate the end of the fall season. Around the lake are signs that warn about a harmful algal bloom and advise to use caution when swimming.

Before the students went into the lake, Campus Police received a report that 30 to 40 people wearing swimsuits and carrying towels were walking toward the bridge that extends over Lake Sylva. 

By the time Campus Police arrived, the students had already gone in the water and were walking away from the lake. Officers told the students to take showers because of the algae growth.

Nov. 18: Garbage problems

A Campus Police officer was flagged down while on routine patrol by a Claflin Avenue resident in the early afternoon. The resident told the officer that he was having trash-related issues with his neighbors who are students that attend the College. 

Trash was constantly being blown from the students’ overflowing trash receptacles into other yards. The trash attracted rodents and other vermin in the area, which attracted larger predators, the resident told the officer. 

After taking down the resident’s contact information, Campus Police met with the Dean of Students office and explained the concerns. The office decided that the students will be meeting with Student Conduct & Off Campus Services, and the resident will be notified once the meetings are complete.

Nov. 18: Ankle injury

A student went to the hospital in the early evening after rolling and injuring her ankle while dancing in the Decker Hall basement. 

Campus Police and TCNJ EMS were called, but the student’s friend drove her to the hospital.

Nov. 19: Allergic reaction

A student who was having a day-long allergic reaction called Campus Police in the early morning to report his scratchy throat after his mother told him to. 

Campus Police, TCNJ EMS and Ewing Township EMS all responded to the call and reported to Travers Hall where the student was. EMTs evaluated the student, who then refused further medical treatment.

Nov. 20: Booted

A red Chrysler 300 was booted by Campus Police just before noon because it was parked in Lot 14 without a valid parking decal and had already acquired three unpaid tickets. 

Two more tickets were issued to the Chrysler: one for parking without a valid decal and the other for boot removal.

Nov. 20: Fire alarm

A smoke detector in a Centennial Hall room caused the building's fire alarm to go off in the early evening. The building was evacuated.

Campus Police and Ewing Township Fire Department responded to the alarm. The responders found no signs of smoke or fire in the room, but did smell burnt popcorn.

The building was deemed safe to reenter and was reoccupied.

Nov. 23: Disagreement

Campus Police received a report in the early morning about a possible fight in progress in Wolfe Hall. There was no fight in progress when officers arrived, however a moderately sized group of students was gathered in the hallway.

A student approached the officers and told them he was involved in a verbal disagreement with another student, and the rest of the crowd was not involved.

Campus Police got both sides of the story from both residents involved. Both reports matched. 

Nov. 23: Fire alarm

A Decker Hall fire alarm was activated in the late afternoon. The alarm was specific to one room, and the building was not evacuated. 

Campus Police, Ewing Township Fire Department and Prospect Heights Fire Department responded to the Decker Hall room. 

The students in the room told responders that they had just made popcorn, but had thrown it out before responders arrived. The room had no odor of popcorn, nor any signs of smoke or fire.

Nov. 23: Stomach pain 

Campus Police responded to a call from a student with stomach pain in her right side in the early evening at the Brower Student Center. The student told officers that she began having the pain after eating at Eickhoff Hall.

Before calling, the student took two Pepto Bismol pills and ate pasta from the BSC. The student then threw up in the bathroom and began to have blurry vision. 

Ewing Township also responded to the scene and cared for the student who was soon transported to Capital Health Medical Center in Hopewell.

Nov. 25: Finger Injury

A student injured his finger while playing basketball in the Recreation Center in the late evening. 

Campus Police and TCNJ EMS responded to reports of the injury. The student told responders he hit his right pinky finger on a backboard when going for a rebound, causing it to break.

The responders offered to get him an ambulance, but the student decided to get his own ride to the hospital.

Nov. 26: Off-campus fire alarm

A fire alarm in an off-campus house on Carlton Avenue went off in the late evening. The cause is unknown, but the only resident who was home suspects shower steam set the alarm off.

Campus Police and Ewing Township Fire Department responded to the alarm. After completing checks of the house, the responders deemed it safe to reenter.


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