The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Tuesday March 25th

Letter from the editor: Time to say goodbye

<p><em>My time at The Signal shaped me into the person I am today. (Graphic by Sky Stewart)</em></p>

My time at The Signal shaped me into the person I am today. (Graphic by Sky Stewart)

By Victoria Gladstone
Former Editor-in-Chief

It’s time for me to say goodbye to the organization I have loved so dearly for the past three years. While I can accept it’s time for me to move on, this is one of my hardest farewells.

Upon my arrival to the College, my first few semesters were overshadowed by a global pandemic, and I was limited to the little knowledge I had about TCNJ. In Travers Hall during my freshman year, I was taking completely virtual classes and quite literally had four friends.

It was only on a whim during the spring of my sophomore year that I decided to write for my school’s newspaper. I did this only because I was an English major and I assumed that made sense. 

Looking back now, I am extremely grateful for that decision, and I can’t believe how far that “happy accident” took me. And it really has taken me far. 

As a secondary education major, I felt a little out of place at first and was very confused at first, but eventually got the hang of it and promptly started my role as news editor. I would then go on to become managing editor, with editor-in-chief being my final role during my last semester at the College. 

The Signal, ever since I wrote my first article, has been a consistent part of my life and a place where I knew I could spend time with a group of people who genuinely cared about the work they did. In every way, I am inspired and uplifted by the people I got the pleasure to work with, and it has always kept me motivated during production nights that creep into the late hours of Wednesday nights. 

Being a part of the newspaper has also made me feel extremely connected to campus, as I have learned a lot about this institution and have created lasting memories covering stories. From interviewing two different college presidents to touring the co-generation plant and standing front row for Yung Gravy’s concert, I feel like I’ve seen many sides of the College.

I have also had the opportunity to watch The Signal grow into the organization it is today. This would include having to switch offices, which also meant moving and redecorating everything, and returning to print newspapers. While this transition period was one of the most stressful and demanding times of my college career (I had dreams about The Signal), I would not trade it for the world because the newsroom I am leaving behind is truly amazing to witness. 

I can very easily say the thing I am most proud of in college was my position and the work I did as editor-in-chief. I truly loved every minute of it — putting together the print pages at the end of a long production night, running the editorial meetings every week, searching for every possible story to uncover and even the constant editing of stories of all sections. 

And with that, adding the word “former” to my byline stings a little. Actually a lot, but mostly because I had to leave the entire organization. However, as I look to graduate in only a few weeks, I leave my quite literally full-time job at The Signal to some of the most hard working and intelligent journalists I’ve come to know and love. These are the people that I know will continue to grow The Signal into the news organization we have always dreamed of. 

To my mentors Webber and Louns, I cannot understate how grateful I am for your unwavering support and professional guidance. You both have shown me what it means to do what you love and love what you do.

Four years can really change a person. I came to the College thinking teaching would be a good path for me, but now I know I am much more passionate about journalism and writing. Thank you to The Signal for helping me uncover that.


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