The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Monday March 3rd

Cop Shop returns: Breaking and entering, excessive intoxication and the campus ‘banned’ list

<p><em>The Signal and Campus Police work together on a weekly basis to inform the campus community about crime on and around campus (Photo by Elizabeth Gladstone / Multimedia Coordinator).<br/><br/></em></p>

The Signal and Campus Police work together on a weekly basis to inform the campus community about crime on and around campus (Photo by Elizabeth Gladstone / Multimedia Coordinator).

By Liz Ciocher
Features Editor

The Signal and Campus Police work together on a weekly basis to inform the campus community about crime on and around campus. All records given to The Signal are public records and do not contain personal information. Some information provided may be triggering for some students. 

Campus Police has recorded a few incidents of campus mischief and unlawful acts during and since winter break. Below are the write-ups that have come in since the new year, listed chronologically.

Jan. 5: Repeat Trespasser

A staff member at the library called Campus Police after recognizing a man from a list of individuals that were banned from campus in the facility. He was carrying a backpack, wearing multiple coats and using a library computer.

When the officers spoke to the trespasser, he spoke broken English. His demeanor was calm at the beginning of their conversation, but he began to raise his voice and his eye began to twitch as they asked who he was. He provided Campus Police with his name but no identification. 

Campus police notified the man he was placed on the ‘banned’ list on Dec. 11. 

The man reached for his backpack after he was told he was under arrest. The officers told him to stop, but he did not comply. They immediately cuffed the man and brought him to the squad car. There were no dangerous contents in the backpack. 

The man was given a summons for defiant trespassing, contact information for Mercer County social services and another copy of the campus banned letter. The responding officers gave him a ride to another location in Ewing. 

Jan. 10: Stolen Keurig

A student living in Travers Hall reported her one-cup Keurig coffee maker had been stolen out of her room while she was away for winter break. 

The coffee maker was present in her room when she left on Dec. 18, but was missing upon her arrival on Jan. 2.

There is no sign of forced entry into the student’s room, and she reported the doors were locked.

The missing Keurig is black, single cup and worth around $70.

Jan. 26: Breaking and entering and playing the piano

At around 1:30 a.m., a student called Campus Police to report a person climbing through a window in the Music Building. 

Upon entering the building, responding officers heard a piano being played. They asked the player how he had entered the building, to which he responded, “the window.”

The trespasser provided the officers with a valid student ID and told them he was not a music major, but he wanted to practice playing the piano. Officers told the student the building was only accessible during working hours. 

The student left the building without incident and the responding officers placed work orders for all window latches on the first floor to be secured. 

Jan. 27: Too drunk for your own party

Shortly after 4:00 a.m., a student called Campus Police from Townhouses East with concern of a fellow student’s alcohol consumption. 

Upon arrival, responding officers found the intoxicated student conscious and breathing with their head over a garbage can.

The reporting student claimed they were vomiting periodically and had irregular breathing. They reported the student had an unknown number of people in his room and consumed an unknown number of mixed drinks while they were visiting.

Campus EMS arrived on the scene to evaluate the student. Ewing EMS arrived on the scene to transport them to Capital Health Regional.


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