The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Tuesday March 25th

Letter from the Editor: A bittersweet goodbye

<p><em>As my time ends at The Signal, I look back at the work I have done with rose tinted glasses, but in reality this change is needed in my life (Photo courtesy of Skylar Stewart / Graphic Designer).</em></p>

As my time ends at The Signal, I look back at the work I have done with rose tinted glasses, but in reality this change is needed in my life (Photo courtesy of Skylar Stewart / Graphic Designer).

Mike Sherr
Former Editor-in-Chief

I am not entirely sure how I came to lead this paper. Unlike many of the people I work with, I am not a journalism major nor have I ever taken a journalism class (and it shows sometimes). I never saw journalism as a career path for me and I still don’t; the only reason I joined The Signal was so that I had something to do during my fully online, first semester in 2020.

Because of that random decision freshman year, I have been lucky enough to somehow fall upward into this leadership position that has forever changed my life. I have personally grown into someone my freshman self could never recognize. Not only have I found the confidence to be in such a leadership position, but I found my voice to speak up for what is right. 

These past few semesters have seen drastic changes for The Signal, the most obvious of which is the return of the print paper. I have been extremely fortunate to be a part of these improvements and could not be prouder of where this organization is today. 

Even with these accomplishments, I’m not sure if I’m ready to step down from editor-in-chief. After working in this organization for over three years now, it is difficult to acknowledge that I probably won’t have as large of a role in The Signal next semester. 

I will be going from working almost constantly on editing, organizing and managing to doing almost nothing—an article here and there when I find the time, or some copy editing during production nights. It will be a drastic shift in my life that comes at a time when I am also reconciling with the fact that I’m graduating this coming May. 

If I had the chance to continue leading into next semester, I would take it. But sometimes a forced change is needed. I often find myself looking at my work through rose-tinted glasses, but in reality this drastic change is extremely needed in my life. 

I have noticed my academics slipping this semester as I tried to edit the many articles I have to read during class, or as I prioritized writing an article over a homework assignment due the next day. I found myself isolated from the people around me because instead of hanging out with my housemates, I was at the office or in a meeting. The few moments of down time I had were filled with anxiety over the fact that I was not doing any work for The Signal at that moment. 

Even with these challenges, I loved every second of my experience as editor-in-chief. From the late nights (that turned into early mornings) making the print paper to reading the amazing work my friends do, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 

I would be remiss to not acknowledge and thank those who I have worked with for these past years. I have worked with seven different editorial boards whom I am extremely grateful for in helping me grow into the writer I am today. My home department of political science as well as the journalism department have been vital in changing my perception of the world forever. As I start to step into life after college I feel so much more prepared because of the amazing faculty and staff of these departments. 

Finally, I have to recognize the wonderful people I have gotten to know this semester. The staff members who quickly became my friends are the reason I got through this job without going crazy. I cannot express in words just how thankful I am for these people coming into my life. Thank you for dealing with my antics, mistakes and really bad jokes. 

As I step back and face this personal transition, I leave The Signal under the leadership of one of my closest friends and a remarkable journalist. The Signal can only grow from here and I would not have anyone else pushing this organization forward than her. I cannot wait to see what amazing work she and her staff will do next semester.

This paper has been my home for years and I cannot thank it enough for being the community it has become for me. I know that The Signal will continue to be a home for students for long after I’m gone from the College. The Signal has always been for the students and by the students, and I couldn’t possibly be any prouder of what we’ve done and more eager to see the future we will accomplish.


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