By Chelsie Derman
Reviews Editor
Whether they are hoarding toilet paper, scheming for hand sanitizer or filling their shopping carts to the brim with groceries, it is clear that Americans have entered a full-on panic mode — and it’s pretty eerie.
It feels like time has flashed before our eyes. We went from leading our normal lives to being consumed by fear in some sort of dystopian crisis. When a disease puts a pause on all sense of normalcy and interrupts every aspect of our daily lives, what else is there to even talk about?
For college students, life at the moment may seem bleak. Especially with government law mandating that we all stay cooped up in our homes, unable to see our friends. But eventually—hopefully sooner than later—the world will start functioning formally again.
While that stretch of time may feel like a lifetime away, it will fly by quicker than people are led to believe.
In the meantime, students can FaceTime their friends, take a walk outdoors, start a new hobby and discover something new about themselves in this quarantine period.
Even during a global pandemic, you don’t have to live your life in fear. Although no one knows exactly when, everything will get better and feel normal again. We will survive this.
It may be a scary time, but we need to hold onto hope — for our sanity. Yes, it is a virus that is spreading at an alarming rate, but we will get through this together. We just need to have hope and to be free of unnecessary panic. If the level of panic decreases, then we as a nation will be better off.