By Alex Shapiro
Staff Writer
Student Government met with College Spokesman David Muha and recognized one student organization during its general body meeting on Nov. 14.
Muha introduced the new “Hi” pamphlets, which will be used for undergraduate admissions for the upcoming school year. He said that the pictures of the campus advertised in the pamphlets emphasized the importance and the closeness of the College community.
SG approved the Sher Bhangra dance group as a new club on campus. The organization introduces a different type of Indian dance that has gained interest among dancers over the years. The dance group started with two female students and now has more than 25 members who are interested in joining the team.
Sher Bhangra hopes to foster a low-pressure and fun environment. The dancers still participate in competitions, but the club stressed that the group also functions as a way to decompress from the pressures of school and to have a good time. Sher Bhangra plans on having performances and hosting events next semester.
SG then passed the Academic Event Bill, which was previously proposed at its general body meeting on Nov. 7. The bill, which aims to facilitate engagement between senator cohorts and their respective schools, will immediately go into effect.
According to SG’s description, the bill stands to benefit each senator’s respective school while making sure that the senators help develop a sense of community among students and promote academic success. Each cohort will be responsible for deciding how they want to execute the plan for each school.
The Class Council of 2020 announced its next fundraiser, a basketball tournament, which will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 27 in the Recreation Center. Students can sign up as part of teams of three for a cost of $8 per person. Chipotle gift cards of $20 will be awarded to each individual member of the winning team. Each class’s Facebook page will have sign up document available.