Every week, Features Editor Ashton Leber hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories.
Each year, alumni and current students at the College gather for the most anticipated event of the year — Homecoming. The various events of Spirit Week 2017 began on Oct. 17, and prepped students around campus for the excitement of the football game that took place on Oct. 20. Lot 4 was filled with delicious food, music and games for all ages to enjoy. Alumni come back to relive their time in college for one day of the year. In 2001, Spirit Week had Greek organizations around campus participate in week-long competitions, similar to the events of Spirit Week today.

Lions spirit for one week.
It’s blue and gold, pride for the College, pride among alumni and pride for one’s team.
While many students were away on fall break, Spirit Week 2001 The Magical World of TCNJ, began on Sunday, Oct. 22.
Participating organizations took part in a week-long competition to show their Lions pride for the weekend’s homecoming festivities by competing in different events where each team is themed as a Disney movie.
The Toy Story team, Delta Phi Epsilon sorority and Sigma Pi fraternity, were the overall champions, scoring 228.5 points, edging out Beauty and the Beast team, Kappa Delta and Sigma Tau Gamma with 227.
Sigma Pi fraternity brother Keith Ritson was also named the homecoming king, and Dana Tsivikis, member of the women’s rugby team, was crowned homecoming queen.
Homecoming began with a canned food drive, which collected more than 3,500 cans for The Crisis Ministry Center in Trenton.
On Monday afternoon sneak a preview was held, followed by pool events in Packer Hall that night.
On Tuesday were the powder puff football and cheerleading competition (renamed the Tim Asher Cup after the founder of homecoming) and a tailgating where many of the participants enjoyed hoagies and snack.
The human pyramid contest took place on Wednesday and on Thursday were field games.
The finale for homecoming week was the football game and the parade on Saturday.
“Homecoming is just fun,” said sophomore Mariano Pellegrino. “It’s a party.”
Homecomings of the past have said to be too competitive. Some of the participants of the past have also been criticized for poor sportsmanship.
This year’s spirit week was competitive but students were in much greater spirit.
While the fraternities, sororities minority organizations and freshmen are usually the organizations that take part in spirit week, club sports, rugby and the ambassadors represented some of the organizations aiming to win the Lions spirit award.
This year’s homecoming was combined with the alumni reunion weekend.
The College’s alumni were invited back to enjoy the weekend festivities.