By Olivia Rizzo
Staff Writer
The Student Finance Board received access to $60,000 of SFB reserve funds after submitting a request to Vice President for Student Affairs Amy Hecht.
“Our request was granted,” said Robert Mitchals, SFB executive director. “This will allow us to not be so strict when funding events for the remained of the semester.”
The Muslim Student Association returned to present MSA’s Comedy Show Featuring Hassan Minhaj and was fully funded the amount of $2,596.
According to a memo addressed to Hecht, SFB also requested $20,000 from the Student Activity Fee reserves in order to cover the costs of the talent. The request was granted, and MSA received the reserve funds, according to Mitchals.
“This event is a part of Islam Awareness Month. We take this month to address any questions or concerns people have about Islam as a religion,” said Shaziya Ahmed, MSA treasurer. “We feel that a comedy night brings people together from different backgrounds, and allows everyone to learn something new and have fun.”
Funding will cover the costs of an opening act, Campus Police officers and Kendall Hall fees.
MSA’s Comedy Show Featuring Hassan Minhaj will take place on April 26 in Kendall Hall.
Student Government’s Epcot event was tabled due to the board’s concerns over timing and planning as well as worries the event focuses on entertainment rather than education.

“Epcot, also known as All Around the World, it’s basically when we have the multicultural organizations on campus in order to provide a fun, entertaining and educational way to promote and celebrate diversity on TCNJ’s campus,” said Brianna Antoniello, a member of the Diversity and Inclusion committee.
“Each organization will be presenting their culture through whatever lens they want to, whether it be by performances and demonstrations, or tabling with an interactive craft,” Antoniello said.
SG was seeking funding to cover the costs of food, a DJ, henna tattoo artists, an electrician, a mechanical bull, sumo suits and a Chinese calligraphist.
TCNJ Hellenic Society was fully funded $3,411.33 for Greek Fest, which is scheduled to take place on April 12 in the Decker Social Space.
“Greek Fest will provide an assortment of Greek food, Greek dance performances from TerpsiXorians Hellenic Dance Group of New Jersey Inc., and we play Greek music to really add to the experience,” said Maria Kalavrezos, president of the Hellenic Society.
Funding will cover the costs of food, water, a DJ and the dance group.
Indian Student Association was funded $1,650 for Bollywood Night 2017. The event will take place on Saturday, March 25, at 8 p.m. in room 212 of the Education Building.
“This event will showcase the multi-faceted culture of India. ISA’s Bollywood Night allows our members to come together and celebrate our culture, and we encourage our members to bring their friends to experience the Indian culture,” said Varahi Trivedi, ISA’s vice president of Publishing. “Bollywood Night 2017 will feature traditional Punjabi food and performances put on by TCNJ Jiva.”
Funding for Bollywood Night 2017 will cover the costs of food, decorations, utensils and drinks.
TCNJ Italian Club was fully funded $838 for La Bella Note, which will be held on April 21 at 8 p.m. in room 212 of the Education Building.
“This event commemorates and showcase Italian culture, and will give students a chance to give students to learn more about Italian culture,” said Gabriella Guardascione, Italian Club president. “We will be playing Italian music and have a powerpoint that pays homage to similar festivals in Italy that we are trying to replicate.”
Funding will cover the costs of traditional Italian foods, drinks, utensils, carpet bocce, decorations and masks.
The Student Film Union received $15, 637 in funding for Campus MovieFest. The event will take place from April 4 to April 10.
“We have a week to film something completely original,” said Tyler Law, SFU president. “Everything is completely original — it’s original films with original music.”
According to the proposal packet, Campus MovieFest has been present on campus for the past five years. Several of the films that have been nominated won awards at the national festival four out of the last five years.
Funding will cover the costs of the event fee for Ideas United, which is the organization that runs Campus MovieFest, and Mayo Concert Hall staff fees. The board tabled the costs of food and lodging for Ideas United staff, in hopes that they will be able to pay for their own food and lodging.
The Freshman Class Council was fully funded $3,265 for the Second Annual Freshman Farewell Fest, which will be on April 22 on the T/W Lawn at 11 a.m.
“It was an event last year that we want to do again, bring the class together one last time before freshman year ends,” said Patrica Kou, Freshman Class Council president.
“The event is almost half the price that it was last year and will feature interactive inflatables for students to enjoy,” said Lauren O’Brien, Freshman Class Council treasurer. “This our only class unity event that we’re going to have this semester, so we want it to be a uniquely freshmen experience.”
Funding for the event will cover the costs of police officers, balloons, WTSR generators and various inflatables — including their delivery and insurance.
The Mixed Signals were fully funded $4,100 for R.O.C.K (Rather Outrageous Comedy Kickout), which will take place on Saturday, March 25, at 8 p.m. in Mayo Concert Hall.
“We will bring The Upright Citizen Brigade to campus they will hold a performance, and will have a workshop for Mixed Signal members during the day,” said Ian Cooley, Mixed Signals treasurer.
Funding will cover the costs of performer fees and food.