By Colleen Murphy Managing Editor
• Police found graffiti on one of the columns between the soccer stadium and track on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 4:05 a.m., Campus Police reported. The markings were done using red spray paint. No other graffiti was found in the area, police said.
• An Eickhoff Hall worker’s car was damaged sometime between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14, Campus Police said. When the worker’s shift ended, she returned to her vehicle that she had parked in one of the designated spots on E Street and saw that her rear window was shattered. The car’s owner did not see any object in or around the vehicle that could have caused the damage, which totaled $250, Campus Police said.
• A gym bag was stolen from a Campus Town Fitness Center cubby on Thursday, Oct. 15, between 3:40 p.m. and 4:40 p.m., according to Campus Police. When the student went to retrieve the bag after his workout and did not see it, he told a front desk employee and searched the gym for the bag with negative results. The bag and its contents were valued at $180, police said.
• While on foot patrol on the Green Lane Fields on Friday, Oct. 16, at 12:17 a.m., Campus Police saw four females standing in a circle next to one of the fields, holding a flashlight. As the officer approached the scene, he illuminated his flashlight onto the group and one of the women asked, “Who’s there?” The officer did not respond and walked closer. Another woman again asked, “Who’s there?” The officer reached the group and saw one of the students holding an open white Apple iPhone box that contained what was believed to be marijuana in a Ziploc bag. The student was placed under arrest and issued a summons, Campus Police said.
• A man was seen trying to pry open a Pepsi-labeled refrigerator in Armstrong Hall on Sunday, Oct. 18, at 4:10 p.m., Campus Police said. After failing to do so, the suspect “hastily left the area,” a witness reported to police. When police arrived on the scene, they found that the door had been partially pried away from the lock and tracking along the bottom, but police were able to push the doors back to their locked position. No drinks appeared to have been taken and police could not locate the suspect in or around the building. According to police reports, the man was described as being six feet tall with a dark beard that was about one to two inches long. He was last seen wearing a dark blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants.
• An intoxicated student was found vomiting in a Travers Hall men’s bathroom at 1:25 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 18, Campus Police reported. When police arrived, they observed the student sitting in a chair and as having “glassy, bloodshot eyes and slurred speech.” Police discovered that the student had actually been written up earlier that night by Residential Life after he was found intoxicated in the hallway. When the male was later found around a toilet, Campus Police were called. According to police, the student had six shots of vodka in his room. He was cleared by TCNJ EMS and refused further medical treatment. The student then voluntarily turned over one half-full 1.75 liter bottle of Burnett’s Blue Raspberry Vodka, which was emptied and disposed of by police. According to Campus Police, the student was issued a summons for underage drinking.
• Graffiti that read “FUCK GREEK LIFE” was seen by Campus Police at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, according to police reports. The writing was completed with green spray paint and was found on the black temporary walkway between the Brower Student Center and Social Sciences Building. Police said that no other graffiti was found in the area and that a work order was placed to remove the writing.
• Police were called to assist TCNJ EMS with an intoxicated student in a sixth floor Travers Hall bathroom at 3:10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21, police reports said. Police met with a community advisor who said he contacted police after he heard vomiting coming from the bathroom. Police said that the intoxicated male consumed about five shots of vodka while in Town Houses South earlier that night. The student was issued a summons for underage drinking, police said.
Anyone with information can contact Campus Police at 609-771-2345.