By Jackie Delaney Production Manager
The Student Finance Board funded a glow-in-the-dark “Silent Disco Latenighter” as well as several INK events at its weekly meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 30.
The College Union Board was fully funded $18,103 for its “Silent Disco Latenighter,” set to be held on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The event, which will be held outside on Green Lawn, will feature a silent disco. Each student will receive a pair of headphones that “wirelessly transmit music” from two live disc jockeys, according to the information packet. CUB will also provide various glow-in-the-dark items, such as bracelets, necklaces and metallic tattoos.

Next, INK, the College’s creative writing organization, presented for several events to bring published and successful writers to campus. All of the events were fully funded by the board, and will take place over the course of the fall and spring semesters.
INK received funding for “The Goods,” an all-day event held bi-annually that offers students a chance to “showcase their talents,” which include reading written work, playing music, giving lectures or even performing circus routines.
Their fall semester event was allocated $2,500 to bring Rachel Kann, a spoken word and slam poet who has also read poetry for TEDx, to headline the festival.
“We think she would be a good fit for our end-of-the-semester festival,” INK President Rachel Friedman said after explaining that slam poetry has become popular on campus.
“The Goods” event to be held in the spring was allocated $350 to bring poet, historical writer and journalist Anthony Buccino to perform. Buccino, who has been awarded for his journalistic blogs, is a local writer from Nutley, N.J., according to Friedman. She stressed that by bringing in a local writer, “we want to definitely showcase what is available for students outside of the College.”
For $7,530, INK will bring published poet, author and essayist Meena Alexander to the Visiting Writer Series to be held on Monday, April 11.
“Her work is taught within the TCNJ classroom, so she is relevant to the curriculum,” Friedman said.
For the Visiting Writer Series to be held on Thursday, March 10, INK was funded $1,000 to bring Sarah Blake to perform. Blake, an alumnus of the College, recently published a book of poetry on Kanye West.
“We love to showcase what our school has to offer in terms of what you can do after you graduate,” Friedman said.
Blake has a background in the publishing industry, according to Friedman.
Chi Upsilon Sigma returned to present for the “Making an Achievement Continuous” Conference. Last week, the board tabled the request because of concerns about the food and decoration budget. The sorority returned with a quote from Sodexo, as well as additional requests to bring workshop facilitators to the conference.
The $8,650 request was partially funded at $8,267, eliminating funding for centerpieces for the conference. The board also discussed storage for these items after the event. Chi Upsilon Sigma does not currently have storage space at the College, according to the sorority. If there is no on-campus storage for a presenting group, the board cannot fund the items.
The senior class council was allocated $1,840 for buses to bring seniors to the Mercer County Food Truck Festival on Saturday, Oct. 17. The council wanted to provide “an opportunity for seniors from various groups to hang out together” at the popular event, according to the information packet. The trip would be part of the Senior Year Experience.
Later, All College Theatre was funded $2,255 for “An Evening of Shorts,” its annual production of four student-directed, one-act plays. The shows “offer a wide array of opportunities for actors, directors and stage managers, as well as other production positions,” according to the request. The event will be held in Kendall Hall on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 8, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
The Mathematics and Statistics Club was allocated $842.50 for a trip to visit the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. In the information packet, the group said this trip would “allow students at TCNJ to further explore the hidden side of mathematics and hopefully develop an even deeper love for the subject.” The trip will take place on Saturday, Oct. 17, from noon to 5 p.m., and tickets are $9 each.
TMT’s “Broadway Night,” a cabaret performance the theatre group holds every fall, was funded $150.88 by the board. The event gives the group’s members an opportunity to “sing songs from any Broadway show either alone, in pairs or in groups,” according to the information packet. The show will be held on Friday, Oct. 16, and Saturday, Oct. 17, both at 8 p.m., in the Library Auditorium.
The Asian American Association was then allocated $3,937 for its annual Multicultural Buffet, an event that showcases food from various Asian and non-Asian cultures. The event will also feature performances from TCNJ Taiko, CSA Dragonflies, TCNJ JIVA and the circus club. The event will allow students to “try new foods from cultures other than their own and develop an appreciation for cuisines of various cultures,” according to the information packet. It will be held in the Decker Social Space on Tuesday, Nov. 10, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Finally, the Chinese Student Association was fully funded $1,503.36 by the board for its MOCA and Chinatown Bus Trip. The trip will include a visit to the NYC Museum of Chinese in America, as well as offer students a chance to explore Chinatown. It will take place on Saturday, Oct. 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
*Even though SFB agrees to finance certain events, there is no guarantee these events will take place. The approval only makes the funds available.