The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday March 9th

‘Humans of New York’ photographer fully funded

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By Jackie Delaney
Production Manager

The Student Finance Board allocated funds to bring “Full House’s” Dave Coulier, comedian Trevor Moore and “Humans of New York’s” Brandon Stanton to campus, at its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 7.

CUB’s $12,090 request to bring Coulier, best known for his role as Uncle Joey on “Full House,” to lecture at the College was fully funded by the board. The comedy-themed event plans to feature stand up from Coulier as well as a question and answer session. It is scheduled to take place on Friday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. in the Mayo Concert Hall.

CUB was also allocated $11,320 for “An Evening with Trevor Moore.”

Moore is an actor, comedian, writer, director, producer and musician. He is a founder of the popular comedy troupe “The Whitest Kids U’ Know.” The show “would provide students the opportunity to take a much needed break later on in the semester and relieve stress,” the request packet said. According to CUB, Moore’s show would include stand-up comedy, musical performances and a question and answer session. It is scheduled to be held on Monday, Nov. 2, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Mayo Concert Hall.

The board fully funded CUB’s request for $31,630 to bring “Humans of New York” photographer and author Brandon Stanton for a lecture, question and answer session and book/autograph signing opportunity. The popular photoblog has over 14.6 million followers on Facebook and 3.7 million followers on Instagram.

“An Evening with Humans of New York” is planned for Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 8:30 p.m. in Kendall Hall.

CUB was also funded $13,770 to bring the Lucas Brothers for an evening of comedy on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 8:30 p.m. in Mayo Concert Hall. The brothers, alumni of the College, have “gained traction in the entertainment industry,” according to the information packet. They have appeared on the popular T.V. show “Arrested Development” and in the supporting cast of “22 Jump Street” as the Yang twins. They currently write, produce and voice the main characters in their animated series “The Lucas Bros Moving Co.” on FOX. CUB, Lions Latenight and TMT were allocated $950 for their event to screen “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in the Lion’s Den on Friday, Oct. 30. The movie, which has been a pop culture phenomenon since its release in 1975, “will be an exciting way to students to come together and watch the movie with audience participation,” according to the information packet.

The Freshman Class Council’s request for $10,439.58 to host a semi-formal this semester was tabled. The request included expenses for the banquet hall, disc jockey Paul Desisto and a photo booth.

The board was concerned with the quote from Cedar Gardens Banquet. The council presented the same quote that was given to the Freshman Class Council last spring for a formal. The board discussed funding events that are ticketed, a topic they debated on when zero-funding the Sophomore Class Council’s request for a dinner cruise earlier in the year. In addition to tabling the Class of 2019’s request, the board waived the bylaws to allow the Sophomore Class Council to represent for their previously zero-funded event. SFB is aiming for consistency with its allocation of funds, according to the board.

Student Government was allocated $8,094.87 for a T-shirt swap to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 21, from noon to 3 p.m. on the Green Hall Lawn. Following the success of the T-shirt swap held last fall and spring, SG plans to purchase a larger amount of shirts to giveaway. The event allows students to bring a high school or other college T-shirt and swap it out for a new Lions Homecoming T-shirt.

“We would like to make the event bigger and better than the past,” according to SG’s proposal. The first 500 students to swap a shirt at the event will also receive a free smoothie and koozie.

The Student Film Union was partially funded at $190.00 for their Halloween Spooktacular Film Festival to be held on Friday, Oct. 30, at 6 p.m. in Physics Building, room 101. The board allocated funds for food, decorations and prizes, striking requested funds for posters. The student-driven film competition “exposes the entire student body to the filmmaking field and provides everyone with the opportunity to have a hands-on experience in making a film,” according to the information packet. The event is a “mock” Campus Moviefest to prepare students for the national event in the spring.

The Pre-Dental Society was allocated $255.51 for their event titled “Keep Your Fangs Clean on Halloween.” The event aims to “encourage the campus community to maintain proper oral hygiene habits during sugar-filled holidays such as Halloween,” according to the information packet. The Pre-Dental Society plans to have a table in the Student Center on Friday, Oct. 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with displays, flyers and goody bags featuring toothbrushes, toothpaste, Halloween fangs and sugar-free candy.

The Spanish Club’s request for $1,339.80 for a trip to the Museum of Modern Art was tabled. The trip, which was scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 24, would take place during Homecoming events. The board was concerned that the club would not be able to draw enough attendance to fill the bus.

*Even though SFB agrees to finance certain events, there is no guarantee these events will take place. The approval only makes the funds available.


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