The Signal

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Monday January 13th

SG fighting for extended library hours

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By Alyssa Sanford Web Editor

Newly elected officials were officially sworn in at the Student Government general body meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9, by President Casey Dowling.

Among the initiates were Amanda Williams, vice president of Advancement; sophomore class President Kelly Capestro; the entire freshman class council; and senators of Arts & Communication, Business, Education, Engineering and Humanities & Social Sciences.

“Congratulations and welcome,” Vice President Javier Nicasio said specifically to the new freshmen members of SG. “You’re going to have a lot of memories (from your involvement in SG).”

Dowling announced that in spite of elections held on Tuesday, Sept. 7, there are still several open positions in the organization: a senator of Science and two senators of Nursing, Health and Exercise Science are needed, and the positions will be filled by appointment, according to Dowling.

“If you have friends interested in (running for) Student Government, have them email the SG account,” Dowling said.

Nicasio discussed two upcoming events for SG members and the campus community: the SG retreat on Friday, Sept. 25, and “Advocate,” which will be held in the Business Building Lounge on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“Advocate,” a mandatory event for all SG members, is also a campus-wide, SFB-funded event that is being held “to jumpstart advocacy efforts on our campus,” Nicasio said.

Olivia White, vice president of Student Services, announced that her committee is searching for an Athletics Chair. The position is open to any varsity athlete on campus, and that person would sit on a governance committee that is essentially “SG for athletes,” according to White.

White also announced continuing efforts to extend library hours during finals week. Last semester, Student Services was able to negotiate with the library to stay open for 24 hours straight, and the committee is seeking to replicate that success this term.

Ceili Boles, vice president of Governmental Affairs, announced that in honor of Constitution Day on Wednesday, Sept. 16, GA will hold a “Family Feud” night from 7:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Physics Building room 117. Immediately afterwards, GA will livestream the second Republican debate from 8 p.m to 10 p.m.

Next, Community Relations Vice President Brittany Angiolini urged the general body to attend the College’s “Blue Out” football game on Saturday, Sept. 12, at noon in order to kick off “a lot of awesome bonding” within the organization this year.

Priscilla Nunez, vice president of Equity and Diversity, announced to a round of applause and a clip of Brazilian samba music that the event, “A Touch of Home,” was “fully funded” by SFB. It will be held on Monday, Sept. 28, during meal equivalency hours in Alumni Grove.

The event boasts “cultural dances,” free food, henna tattoos and “a really lively DJ,” Nunez said.

Later, Vice President of Administration and Finance Tyler Holzer discussed advocacy for finishing the Metzger Drive sidewalk loop, explaining that it’s “a large safety hazard” and “an environmental concern” because students are more likely to drive than walk around the loop, which creates a carbon emission problem.

Finally, class council presidents addressed the general body.

Senior class President Emily Montagna announced that the first Senior Night will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Robert Kinloch, junior class president, is working on booking Junior Night at Colonial Bowling, which will take place “hopefully in the middle of October.” Finally, sophomore class President Kelsey Capestro brought up a fundraising idea: installing a putting green on campus on Thursday, Sept. 24.


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