Over the course of the last two weeks, Student Government introduced several new programs and initiatives to the campus community.
At the general body meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 8, Director of Planning & Administration Cecelia O’Callaghan introduced Collegiatelinks, an online database for all student organizations and events to promote student involvement. Collegiatelinks representative Andrea Palmer gave a tutorial introduction to the program via video chat.
“Students will be able to browse all clubs and organizations at the College and see all the events going on around campus,” Palmer said.
Students will be able to access Collegiatelinks using their PAWS login information. The site features a current events board, attendance tracking and organization finance applications.
“You can go online and type in what you’re interested in — service opportunity and athletics, for example — and Collegiatelinks uses an algorithm to match students up with relevant groups,” she said.
The program will be integrated with social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. Site administrators can embed feeds, Google calendars and more.
Collegiatelinks will be presented to the Board of Trustees in December.
After the presentation, Vice President of Academic Affairs Casey Dowling announced that “Registration 101,” a program that advises students on how to register for classes through PAWS, will be hosted on Wednesday, Oct. 29, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Travers/Wolfe lounge.
At the General Body meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 15, the College’s new director of recreation Robert Simels discussed his plans for Recreation on campus. Simels wants to work with students and meet their needs in a holistic manner.
Later, Vice President of Equity and Diversity Javier Nicasio announced that the first issue of Diversity University has been published. It contains content related to Queer Awareness Month, the I Too Am TCNJ campaign and the Wage Gap Bake Sale that was held on Wednesday, Oct. 15 — women paid 66 cents for a baked goods item while men had to pay a full dollar to reflect the differences in pay in the workplace.
Vice President of Student Services Navid Radfar reminded Student Government of the T-shirt swap to be held in the Brower Student Center on Wednesday, Oct. 22, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Students can trade in a T-shirt from another college or a high school for a brand new Homecoming 2014 shirt.