By Erin Cooper
A new fraternity is joining the Greek ranks at the College this semester. Delta Tau Delta has set its purple and gold tent outside the Brower Student Center ready to recruit founding members.
An international organization, Delta Tau Delta had its beginnings in 1858 and now has 134 active chapters across the country, according to Doug Russell, assistant director of Leadership Development for Delta Tau Delta.
Its focus is on morals, hard work and integrity, and the fraternity is looking for men with similar values to join.
“Brotherhood, service and academics: That is a good way to describe the organization,” Russell said.
Delta Tau Delta says they are not about drugs, alcohol or hazing. They may not be a dry organization, but, “it’s not a point of emphasis,” said Russell of the drinking policies. “We have a zero tolerance policy for hazing. You don’t have to prove your worthiness.”
Delta Tau Delta is eager to become an ally to other groups on campus — Greek and otherwise. “We want to be a very good partner. A Greek organization they’re proud to walk beside,” Russell said.
There is a unique aspect to this particular fraternity this semester. Those joining the fledgling chapter will become founding fathers and shape the course of its development. “Students will get to create a legacy on this campus and leave a footprint,” Russell said.
Russell was joined by Josh Clayton, chapter leadership consultant, who was enthusiastic in agreeing.
“We’re looking forward to the opportunity to make something unique on campus,” Clayton said.