The College was ranked one of the best colleges to work for in the country by The Chronicle of Higher Education’s seventh annual “Great Colleges to Work for” survey. Only 92 of the 278 colleges in the survey received special honors, and the College was the only college in New Jersey to make the list.
The Chronicle stands as the “number one source of news, information and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators,” according to its website, and more than 43,000 college employees responded to The Chronicle’s questionnaire in order to compile the list.
According to The Chronicle’s report, the College has 1,473 employees, including full-time and part-time faculty, administrators and staff. The faculty and staff were asked to agree or disagree with survey statements related to each of the 12 categories the list was based on.
The College was recognized as one of the best medium-sized, four-year colleges for tenure clarity and process, one of the 12 categories taken into account, and as a result The Chronicle classifies the College as a “great” college.
A report on The Chronicle’s website “finds that successful academic workplaces create a culture of accountability. They also promote common values through strong shared-governance policies, making employees feel that they are all players on the same team.”
Rahmaan W. Simpkins, the College’s assistant director for Human Resources, believes that the College is such a great place to work because employees are highly respected.
“To me, this is one of the reasons that the College has been recognized as a “2014 Great College to Work” for and has earned national recognition for it’s commitment to excellence,” Simpkins said. “At the end of the day, it’s about the people, and I believe the College’s success is a direct reflection of the fact that we put our most valuable resources, our human resources, first in everything that we do.”
According to The Chronicle’s report, the College has a voluntary turnover rate of 17.8 percent for faculty members and 6.5 percent for other staff members. Simpkins said that the College is a desirable place to work because of the opportunities employees have to share their ideas and talents with the College community.
“The College has a deeply rooted commitment to fostering a customer centric culture and climate of excellence that values the uniquely diverse perspectives and contributions of each and every member of our community,” Simpkins said. “This collaborative and inclusive approach has given rise to a personalized, high-quality learning environment that nourishes student achievement and success.”