You may be in the snow, but “You’re not out of the woods,” states Texas Republican and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Michael McCaul in reference to the athletes of the Winter Olympics, according to CBSNews.
McCaul explained that he blames the chances of an attack on Russian security official’s lack of input from American counterparts.
America sent two warships to the Black Sea for security at the Winter Olympics, where the commanders have orders to perform “routine security operations and patrols” and be prepared in the event of a problem in Sochi, accounts Politico.
The White House stated that President Obama directed his team at the Pentagon and State Department to “work closely with the Russian government and other partners toward a secure and successful Sochi games and to review carefully and act on any new information that might affect the security of the games.”
“I think any Olympics is going to have a certain risk to it. I think this particular Olympics, I’ve never seen a greater threat, certainly in my lifetime,” McCaul said, according to CBSNews.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has reacted to the terrorist threats by spending $2 billion for security at the games and positioning 40,000 troops at the perimeter of Sochi, according to TIMESwampland.
Several Republican Representatives have voiced their concerns regarding security at the Winter Olympics, stating that no one should put their guard down until the games are officially over, including Representative Mike Rogers from Michigan and Representative Peter King from New York, TIMESwampland reports.
“There certainly are a lot of risks. But I think they’re manageable risks, if people stay where they’re supposed to,” Democratic Representative Adam Schiff from California stated, according to CBSNews.