Representatives from the office of Alumni Affairs, Lisa McCarthy and John Castaldo, presented Homecoming updates to the Student Government general body at the meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Students attending the upcoming Homecoming event, which is funded by the Alumni Association and the College, will be sure to note changes from previous years, as more regulations are being set into place to dissipate the “rave type of atmosphere,” according to McCarthy.
Some of the more noticeable changes, McCarthy and Castaldo announced, are geared toward the tailgate aspect of Spirit Week.
This year, the tailgate will take place in Lots 4 and 6, which will be fenced off, and cars will be prohibited from parking in the area. All attendees of the tailgate will be required to bring proper IDs to obtain a wristband upon entering, with two different colors for those over and under 21, according to McCarthy.
Jennifer Toth, vice president for Advancement, asked the representatives if the College is concerned that these restrictions will result in students drinking too excessively in their dorms before coming to the tailgate.
“It is hard for us to control it, whether we have these changes in place or not,” Castaldo said.
Security will also be tightened.All bags will be checked upon entrance of the tailgate area, the representatives announced.
The music atmosphere of the event is also being regulated. Individual tables at the tailgate will not be permitted to have DJs.
“With the music, the actions and behaviors got a little out of control,” McCarthy said. Instead, the College is bringing the cover band Drop Dead Sexy to perform in Lot 4 before the football game from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. During the football game music will not be played at the tailgate area, but will commence around 2:30 p.m. with a student DJ.
“We don’t compete with the football game,” McCarthy said. “The main reason people come back for homecoming is to come back to campus, but also to go to the football game.”
The tailgating hours have also been shortened this year, running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. instead of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. as in previous years.
Alex Brown, vice president of Governmental Affairs, asked if student input was used in the decision-making process of the Homecoming changes.
“There hasn’t been,” McCarthy said. “Just never thought to, quite honestly, because there’s never changes like this happening. It just kept growing and changing.”
The committee plans to include student input next year and receive student feedback after Homecoming.
“The message behind these changes are really simply to create a safer environment,” Castaldo said. “The bottom line is just safety and welfare of everyone here.”
After the Homecoming presentation, SG passed a resolution to de-recognize student organizations that failed to register with the Office of Student Activities and have been deemed inactive.