In the first meeting of the spring semester on Wednesday, Jan. 23, Student Government updated the assembly on advancements with the Here for Home campaign, a new vice president of Student Affairs for the College, and additional forthcoming events.
Christina Kopka, senior Spanish and marketing double major and SG executive president, announced changes being made to an academic position on campus.
“This semester, unfortunately, Dr. Triponey will be leaving us at the end of the school year,” Kopka said. “She truly has a passion for what we do in this organization and for all students. She truly, truly cares for the work that you are doing and to make your experience here better.”
The new search process will be starting soon with Kopka as the student representative. According to Kopka, they do not expect to have a replacement appointed by the end of the school year.
Continuing with the Here for Home campaign, Kopka, Student Activities Director Tim Asher and the Here for Home committee met over winter break to make plans to schedule trips to various volunteer locations.
Here for Home will be asking for $10 deposits this semester. The deposits are refundable and will hold spots on the buses.
Members of student organizations are required to sign up individually, rather than as a group, if they want to participate in a Here for Home volunteer trip. In addition, students will be required to sign waivers before going on a Here for Home trip.
“I have a couple of other exciting things in the works as far as Here for Home goes. I will be updating you guys once those details are a little bit more concrete,” Kopka said.
Adam Bonanno, English and secondary education double major and vice president of Academic Affairs, announced that events with the Norm Campaign will be coming in the near horizon.
“(The campaign is) our committee’s effort to show the TCNJ campus that it is okay to ask for help from the resources available,” Bonanno said.
Annie Montero, junior communication studies major and vice president of Student Services, informed SG of the changes made to the Take the Stairs campaign.
Instead of continuing with that campaign, Student Services will be working with other student organizations on Healthy Heart Awareness week.
Events for the week of Feb. 4-8 are still being planned. One part of the campaign is to add mile markers around the loop so that runners can track how far they are running.
The junior class council informed SG of the success of the Mr. 2014 event before winter break, which raised over $500. The junior class will also be holding a blood drive on Monday, Feb. 4. For each pint of blood donated, the junior class will receive $10.
*Correction: This article originally stated that there would be a search for a new provost; it has been corrected to note that the search is for a new vice president of Student Affairs.