The movie-musical, “Rock of Ages,” is the film adaptation of the current Broadway show of the same name. This film tells the story of a small-town-girl named Sherry, played by Julianne Hough, who meets the aspiring rock star, Drew, played by Diego Boneta, as they both try to achieve their dreams in Hollywood.
“Rock of Ages” takes places in the 1980s and features classic rock songs from the time period. While this movie had a great soundtrack and an A-List cast, which included Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin and Mary J. Blige, it still failed to fully deliver.
I had seen the Broadway show a few years ago, and in my opinion, the film version of “Rock of Ages” definitely does not compete with the show.
I thought that there were a number of awkward parts to the movie, including much of the cast and some of the songs. Throughout the movie, it seemed that a number of the cast members really lacked chemistry that is definitely necessary in a film like this. For instance, it just seemed like an extremely awkward pairing of Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand as two friends/bar owners.
Along with this, many of the songs that were performed in the movie seemed to have pretty awkward transitions that just made them seem random and unnecessary — which is the polar opposite of what a musical is supposed to do.
In the end, with all of this in mind, “Rock of Ages” is a pretty entertaining movie while you are watching it; however, you will most likely forget about it soon after it ends.
Although the film version of “Rock of Ages” is not very good, the original Broadway show is great, entertaining and a lot of fun and I would highly recommend going to see that.