Student Government granted club status to TCNJ Club Climbing during its meeting on Wednesday, March 30. Senior physics major Russell Reali presented the club.
“We try to create a community of climbers around the (College) campus,” Reali said. “It’s vital, if we want to bring it to the area, to have a club that supports it.”
The club’s members support climbing of all kinds, from wall-climbing to rock-climbing to clambering up trees. They plan to host outdoor climbing trips and enter intercollegiate competitions. According to Reali, the latter goal is already under way.
“We’ve been participating this season in the Collegiate Climbing Series,” Reali said. “At the most recent competition (in Connecticut), we placed 16th out of 61 competitors.”
SG was impressed with the club’s structure and its members’ dedication to their craft. Some had experienced it firsthand.
“I actually went rock-climbing with these guys about a month ago,” said freshman political science major Jeremy Hough. “If they get club status, it’ll be a good way for people who want to (rock climb) to (get involved).”
SG granted TCNJ Club Climbing status by a unanimous vote.
Emily Brill can be reached at