In The Signal’s coverage of the Feb. 16 Student Finance Board meeting, during which SFB approved the College Union Board’s request for funding for a lecture by Morgan Spurlock, it was stated that Spurlock would be giving the lecture and possibly a preview screening of his latest film in the spring.
It was later determined that there was no contract made between CUB and Spurlock. According to CUB, Spurlock has refused to appear at the College because The Signal’s article implied that a contract had been made and reported the cost of the event.
“When CUB presents to SFB for funds, there are never contracts or deals made prior,” CUB president Allie Binaco said in an e-mail. “CUB must always secure funds before moving to the contracting stage.”
While we regret the implication that a contract had been made, the reporting of SFB funding is an essential part of The Signal’s mission.
“CUB explained to Spurlock’s agent that funding information on our campus is considered public record ... However, Spurlock is still not willing to consider an offer from (the College),” Binaco said.