The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday January 26th

Cop Shop

Heads up! This article was imported from a previous version of The Signal. If you notice any issues, please let us know.

A female student received harassing phone
calls from a blocked number between 5 p.m.
Thursday Jan. 21 and 5 p.m. Thursday Feb. 4.
The victim said she cancelled her phone service,
according to Campus Police.

A Coach wristlet and ID card were stolen
out of a cubby between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. on
Wednesday Feb. 3 from Packer Hall.
The total value of the stolen items is
$150, according to reports.

An eight GB iPod nano
was stolen off of a couch
between 8:40 a.m. and 8:50
a.m on Tuesday Feb. 2 in the Travers/ Wolfe
main lounge, Campus Police said. The victim
said he left his iPod and coat on the couch and
went to use the bathroom. When he returned,
he found his jacket behind the couch but the
iPod was gone. It is valued at $140.

A Vera Bradley wristlet was stolen between
10:20 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. on Monday
Feb. 1 from the New Residence main
lounge. The victim was attending an event
in the lounge and left her wristlet and cell
phone in her jacket pocket in the corner of
the room, police said.
When she returned, the wristlet was missing.
She found her cell phone in a trash can in
the lounge. The wristlet is valued at $27.

Twelve placemats were stolen between
4:20 p.m. Jan. 27 and 12:30 p.m. Jan. 29 from
Loser Hall. The building employees conducted
a search to no avail. According to reports,
the placemats are valued at $180.

An intoxicated female was
found unconscious at 2:40 a.m.
on Sunday Jan. 31 in Centennial
Hall. When Campus Police
arrived, the victim was able to
sit propped against the wall, but
was unable to answer questions,
and did not know her room number.
She said she consumed four beers at an
off-campus party, reports said. Lions EMS assumed
patient care.

A Tom-Tom navigation device and several
other items were stolen out of a car between
10 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 26 and 2:30 p.m. Saturday
Jan. 30 from Lot 9.
The victim said she locked her car when
she left but, when she returned, found her
sleeping bag underneath the car parked next to
hers. Other items inside of her car were spread
throughout the inside, police said. The value
of the items stolen is $300.


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