Larissa Caraballo, Senior
Major: Criminology
What are you wearing?
I'm wearing a black-and-white pinstripe vest from Kohl's, a black skirt from H&M, white boots from Hot Topic, argyle stockings and a pinstripe fedora.
Are you a bargain shopper?
I'm definitely a bargain shopper. Most of my wardrobe I probably got on sale. Thrift stores are also great places for bargains.
What's the key to bargain shopping?
Patience. You have to be willing to spend time looking through all the aisles. Some days you won't find anything, other days you'll find tons of good stuff.
What's in your necklace?
It's a die from Dungeons & Dragons. Most of the things I wear are geek-oriented. I'm proud to be a geek and I'm not afraid to show it.
Tell me about your tattoo.
It's inspired by "The Nightmare Before Christmas." It's been my favorite movie ever since I was a kid. I had to make it my first tattoo. There was no question about it.
Your style seems to have somewhat of a Japanese influence.
A lot of my fashion is inspired by Japanese subcultures and comic book art. Japanese comic book art is so varied. You have the realistic costumes, the crazy ones and the more hardcore. They resemble a child's dream, in a sense.
What else is your style inspired by?
I go through a lot of phases. Right now, I'm in a pinstripe phase. I had a punk phase way back in the day. I had an '80s phase when I wore tons of color, jelly bracelets and my mom's teal blazer. I even went through a '60s phase when I would wear go-go boots.
Why do you go through so many style phases?
It's just fun to mix different things and try out new personas. I don't feel right if I'm not wearing something interesting. Personally, I just like to be as crazy as I can while I still can. Fashion is such a great way to express yourself on so many different levels.