The Student Finance Board (SFB) allocated $350 to Prism, the College's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender association, for Trans Awareness Week. According to the official proposal, the purpose of the week-long event is to "raise campus awareness about the difficulties facing the transgender and transsexual community."
The campus-wide event is scheduled for Nov. 10.
SFB allocated $256.50 to the Art Students Association (ASA) to host Open Mic Night. According to ASA's proposal, the purpose of the event "is to expose the College campus to not only the visual arts but also the musical arts, as well."
Students will be able to exhibit both their musical and artistic talents as easels, drawing pads and various arts supplies will be available at the Nov. 14 activity in Holman Hall.
SFB tabled a $1032.75 request by the French Club for lack of information and substantial price quotes regarding its annual soiree.
SFB denied a $338.40 request by College Union Board (CUB) to host a "movie night" in which the film "21" would be screened. According to the request, the film "ties in education and mathematics into the real world."
However, SFB members who had previously screened the film said it is more entertaining than educational. The board ultimately decided that since the film would not be applicable or beneficial to student's lives, the request was denied.
On Oct. 29, clubs Ed 2010 and the Trentones got budget approval. The French Club and CUB were awarded $325 and Black Student Union was awarded $2,238.