At last week's final Student Finance Board (SFB) meeting of the semester, Intramurals was unanimously denied funding for "Rec Fest."
The event was to celebrate the College's involvement in intramural and recreation programs.
Members of SFB said they felt the Intramurals presenters had a very vague understanding of their own $5,915 request.
According to SFB, they did not have a breakdown of the $1,500 allocated for food and did not have an estimate of the number of people who might attend the event.
Intramurals also requested funds for an obstacle course, rock wall and basketball and soccer shootout machines.
This totaled $4,000 for which no breakdown of prices or rental quotes was provided.
The Asian American Association (AAA) requested $1,914 for a "Multicultural Foodfest," but the group was also denied funding.
The event would serve various Asian and Hispanic foods buffet style to all students on campus.
SFB noted AAA already had three multicultural buffets during the course of the past year, all very similar to each other, which SFB funded.
John Ronan, Student Government Association (SGA) representative, said, "I don't see it adding any new value."
Other members agreed that the event, as popular it is, needed to be altered.
SFB awarded $180.09 to Prism for its event "National Day of Silence," which took place on April 25.
This is a campaign to end gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning and intersex discrimination. Prism requested $403.09.
The bulk of the subtracted funds was for 200 buttons, but SFB did not believe they would arrive on time.
The event was scheduled two days after Prism requested funding for the buttons.
AAA's second request of the meeting was also denied funding. The $342 request was for "Pan-Asian End of the Year BBQ."
SFB felt this event was not catered toward the entire student body, but only to the Pan-Asian organizations.
SFB, which prior to the meeting had a total balance of $4,396.04, allocated a total of $180.09.