The Asian American Association (AAA), cosponsoring with Unión Latina (UL) and Black Student Union (BSU), requested $2,100 for a Thanksgiving Remix, featuring performances from each of the respective cultures. The board voted 12 to 3 to allot full funding.
The Thanksgiving Remix will feature multicultural food, music and dancing, and will be held on Nov. 29 in the Brower Student Center. AAA estimated an attendance of 350 people.
"It was really successful in the past and it's multicultural," Sheil Naik, assistant Student Government Association (SGA) representative, said.
The Indian Student Association (ISA) requested $599 for its coffeehouse as part of the Experience Asia events. The board unanimously decided to table the request so that ISA could revise the number of people expected to attend as well as change the venue. ISA proposed to hold the coffeehouse on Nov. 28 in the Brower Student Center Room 202 East, which has a room capacity of 50 people. However, the number of students attending the event could be much greater.
"They are underestimating it. They could book in a larger space if there's so much interest in it," Maya Wadya, assistant financial director, said.
Additionally, concerns were raised that there were not enough tables for the event, the cost of food was too high and there was not a good projection of how much money was needed.
ISA is cosponsoring its coffeehouse with AAA, and the event will include a variety of multicultural food, waiters dressed in authentic Asian clothing and a platform for students to show off their cultural talents.
The White Ribbon campaign requested $329.50 for its White Ribbon Week, which will educate the campus community about the issue of men's violence against women. The board voted unanimously to fund this request.
White Ribbon Week will feature guest speaker Scott Hampton as well as various workshops geared toward ending violence. The event will start on Nov. 15 in the Brower Student Center Room 202 East.
Voice of Hope requested $158 for a fall concert featuring a wide range of Christian a cappella music. The board voted 8 to 7 to deny them funding.
The concert was scheduled to be held on Nov. 10 at the Ernest E. Mayo Concert Hall, and the money was meant to cover the costs of photocopies to publicize the event as well as hall expenses.
The board decided that the club could still hold the concert without funding, and was concerned about the constant need for modifications to the organization's constitution. Voice of Hope limits membership based on religious affiliation and singing ability.
"All the students pay into this fund (Student Acitivites Fee) but all students aren't allowed to be in this certain organization," Mike Stolar, operations director, said.
As of the meeting, Voice of Hope had not changed its constitution and its SAF funds were not frozen.