Comedian Russell Peters will perform at the Asian American Association's (AAA) month-long Experience Asia event, after the organization negotiated the price with Peters and resubmitted its request to the Student Finance Board (SFB) last Wednesday.
AAA was allotted $12,987 for the comedy show, a more than $10,000 difference from its first request two weeks ago.
"We spoke with Russell Peters' mid-agent and told him his price was too high and asked him to lower his price to increase his exposure to our predominantly caucasian campus," Kyle Chan, AAA treasurer, said.
AAA members told Peters' representatives that a few thousand dollars was not much to them but would affect the school and their event greatly. SFB was impressed with AAA's persistence in bringing the comedian to the College.
The decision to fund this event was settled immediately but the price of the tickets took some deliberation.
In order to lower the overall price, AAA was forced to raise ticket prices.
"I'm really glad they got it down $10,000 but I'd like to see a lower ticket price," Mike Stolar, SFB Operations Director, said.
SFB compromised by setting the price at $8 for College students and $15 for non-students.
"Comedy shows have done really well in the past so I'm not worried about selling out," Bill Fenimore, SFB administrative director, said.
"This would be something new for them and for us," Leonardo Acevedo, SFB executive director, said.
Other business included a $1,750 request from Circle K International for SFB to pay the district and international dues for Circle K International members.
The organization learned at Passport to Programming that SFB could help pay these dues, but Circle K asked for more than the necessary 20 members' dues to be covered.
SFB unanimously decided to allot the organization $660 instead, which will cover the dues of the 20 members needed.
The College Union Board was given full funding of $155 for its bus trip to the College's club ice hockey game against Rider.
"I've been to a couple games and it's a good time," Matt McCann, SFB senior representative, said.
Rider is the club ice hockey's biggest rival and usually one of the team's biggest games.