The Student Finance Board (SFB) voted unanimously to allocate $29,160 to the College Union Board (CUB) for a bid to have Saves the Day perform at Kendall Hall on either Dec. 1 or 7. CUB requested $23,885 and is also planning to have a battle of the bands on Nov. 9 to find a student band to open the concert.
Maya Wadya, assistant financial director, said, "I think this is a really good deal and a good opportunity."
CUB also requested $2,625 for the Welcome Back Weekend Comedy Opener, featuring comedic stage magician Mike Super. The board voted unanimously to fund this request. According to CUB, comedy has been well-received by the College in the past, and this show would be able to appeal to many different students on campus.
"I think it sounds like a good request, and I don't see any reason not to fund this," Mike Stolar, operations director, said.
The event is scheduled for Jan. 25 at Kendall Hall.
The Asian American Association (AAA) requested $6,470 to hold an Asian Performance Night. SFB unanimously decided to pass this request.
The event is an important part of the Experience Asia month in November, and AAA wanted to bring various entertainers to promote awareness of Asian American talent. The evening would include performances by Asia, a spoken word artist, Mark Saldana, an Indian comedian, and Johnny Hi-Fi, a musician. The free show is expected to take place on Nov. 30 at Kendall Hall.
"I think it's perfectly fine what they're asking for, especially since they weren't able to get Russell Peters," Sheil Naik, assistant Student Government Association representative, said.
The Leadership Development Program received full funding, $1,507, for a program titled "Let's Talk about Public Speaking." The objective of this event is to give individuals on campus the opportunity to improve their confidence with public speaking and motivate them to use these skills to get involved on campus. The event is scheduled to take place on Nov. 29 in Brower Student Center room 202 East.
Japanese Club requested $1,321 for its annual Banzai event to be held on Nov. 3 in the Cromwell Hall main lounge. The board unanimously decided to award the club $1,071, subtracting the costs for board games and instructional booklets.
The Bod Squad received full funding of $1,110.50 to host an event featuring guest speaker Shannon Cutts to educate students about eating disorders and the media's role in causing them. The event is scheduled to take place Nov. 1 in the New Library Auditorium.
Water Watch requested $331.49 for the Power Shift 2007 conference to be held at the University of Maryland at College Park from Nov. 2-5. The board voted unanimously to award them $250, which would cover the expenses of registration and gas.
"I think it's a good event; there seem to be a lot of good speakers," Bill Fenimore, administrative director, said.
Amnesty International requested $206.55 in order to attend the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Baltimore, Md. The board voted 10-4 to give them $213.55, which covers the expenses of registration and transportation. The conference is meant to build up the leadership and informational skills of freshmen in the club.