John Ronan
John Ronan is the current speaker of the Senate. He has background in finance through an internship at Johnson & Johnson Inc., where he works as a sales and marketing financial analyst.
"If elected, my goals are to increase the efficency of SGA's fundraising and to assist the class councils on managing and planning financially all the events they will be participating in," Ronan said.
Ronan believes that his background as a finance major and constant involvement with SGA make him the most qualified for the position.
"I am very approachable and look forward to working with every member of SGA to ensure that we are spending our money in the best way to benetfit (the College's) students."
Steve Viola
Steve Viola, the current Junior Class treasurer, has been heavily involved in SGA throughout his College career. He authored the bill creating the coordinator of class councils position and he also served on the ad hoc committee on Campus Police and the ad hoc committee on Academic Integrity.
Viola swears that he will address everyday issues and hot-button topics like Campus Police conduct.
"All student issues, regardless of their size or severity, will be brought to the SGA and ultimately to the appropriate administration or staff member," Viola said.
His financial background stems from two years as a member of the Administration and Finance committee.