The Student Finance Board (SFB) voted to fully fund the upcoming Senior Send-Off, sponsored by the Senior Class Council, at the last meeting.
Though Senior Week was canceled this year, the Senior Class Council decided to hold the traditional Senior Send-Off. It will be held at KatManDu on May 2, the last day of classes at the College. The Council requested $2,500 for the event, which would go toward buses for transportation.
"This seems like a sound event and we owe it to them to fund it," Student Government Association representative Dan Beckelman said, regarding the controversy of Senior Week's cancellation. The Senior Class Council had been given $5,600 for Senior Week but it had to be returned once the event was canceled.
For this Senior Send-Off, each student will be charged $35, while $1,000 from the Senior Class Council will be used for decorations. There was some concern over the fact that there are fixed costs at KatManDu and money would be essentially lost if fewer than the predicted 500 students attend. Regardless of this concern, SFB voted to fully fund the event in a 13-1 vote.
Intramural sports gave a presentation on a budget appeal. SFB had allocated $5,000 for equipment for the next school year, though intramurals had requested about $11,000.
Due to the fact that the sports equipment is used every day by many students at the College, equipment is constantly breaking or requiring replacement. In some cases, the equipment is stolen as well, according to the presentation.
Although $11,000 was initially requested, Intramurals did say that $8,000 to $9,000 would be sufficient. SFB questioned the prices set for all the equipment requested.
"They just bought new softball bats so they don't need 12 new bats, for example," senior representative Matt Falsetti said.
"The prices seem to be inflated," Elizabeth Galetz, junior class representative, said, pointing out the $11.75 price for a Frisbee on the equipment breakdown list.
SFB ultimately decided to allocate $2,000 extra toward Intramurals as a compromise. It was passed fully with one abstention.
SFB, which prior to the meeting had a total balance of $23,512.57, allocated a total of $9,500.