The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Friday January 10th

Coulter stepped over the line, but her critics followed

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"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I'm - so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards..."

That was the quote heard around the world by a certain political pundit, Ann Coulter. I would know since I was sitting right in front of her as she responded to a question asked by a student at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C.

Frankly, I was not as shocked as the media and C-SPAN watchers were. At last year's CPAC, she called Muslims "rag-heads."

Let's face it: Coulter is an abrasive political commentator. Her speeches are not formal; they are virtually stand-up routines at a podium. The same can be said for her columns and books. She enjoys making people laugh, especially getting a rise out of people - mainly liberals.

Because she made this ill-advised statement and many others in the past, it does not mean her views are totally off. In fact, many conservatives agree with her stances on a myriad issues. She is a brilliant lady and has the education to back up her ideas. It is her style of delivery that leaves a bitter taste in people's mouths.

In case anyone was wondering, I do not support what she said and I think she can often be a hindrance to the conservative movement.

I like to think of the Republican Party as a classier party, one that does not partake in ignorant things - such as the radical left's comparison of President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler. But of course, Coulter's cultural epithet is so much worse than comparing our president to one of the closest people in history to Satan incarnated.

The left wing defends their pundits with fervor. Liberal pundits like Amanda Marcotte, who gained notoriety for "Pandagate," say even worse things than Coulter, but get free passes from the lefties.

In an unrelated controversy, Marcotte used the word "faggoty" in relation to Jesus. Where have we heard that word from? If this is not a double standard, then I don't know what is.

When the liberals say Coulter's use of the word "faggot" shows the Republican Party's clandestine hatred for homosexuals, one cannot even take this preposterous claim seriously. These are the same people that continually bash Israel, call it a "terrorist state," and place Palestine on a pedestal, but then get flustered when some conservatives call them anti-Semites.

Individuals who throw around these racist or hate accusations from both sides are ridiculous. Many Socialists don't like Israel's policies. Fine. That is one's opinion; however, to claim Coulter and many other Republicans secretly hate gays is a spit in the face.

A clip conveniently left out of the media's coverage was Coulter's comments on how she disproves of the left's portrayal of conservative hate toward gays during her speech at CPAC. Just because many disagree with gay marriage for reasons rooted in religious beliefs and traditional family values does not mean those same Republicans are anti-gay.

What ever happened to having tolerance for all beliefs? Like always, that goes right out the window when it involves Christian faith and conservative ideology.

One must also examine the use of the term "faggot" itself. To many, including rapper Eminem, who can surely relate to Coulter right now, the term "faggot" does not necessarily refer to a homosexual negatively anymore.

Many young people joke among themselves, using the word at ease to make fun of their friends or to be downright mean to their peers. The word has seemed to take on a newer meaning, similarly to how the dreaded 'N' word has taken a friendlier course within the black community.

Nowadays, "faggot" can mean "wuss" or "loser" or some other definition not related to the gay community. This was another defense Coulter used, whether this is acceptable or not.

Opponents of the GOP sometimes point to her as the quintessential Republican. This is an outright lie to try and lump all Republicans as insensitive, so the public does not vote for the party or support its initiatives. She is a single voice, not the GOP's mascot, and obviously, Republicans can differ greatly.

While I have distaste for her, I appreciate her refusal to give in to the politically correct clamp that clutches society, which is exactly the explanation she gave after the media ran with her comment. Her statement, meant as a joke, was also in reference to "Grey's Anatomy" actor Isaiah Washington, who used the derogatory word to a fellow co-star and then said he would seek help.

Like I said, I think her comment was in very poor taste. And it is because of her, in coordination with the biased media, that CPAC got, for the most part, inadequate coverage. For a conference so great and worthwhile to conservatives across the nation, the off-color comment she made did not deserve the coverage it got when really, attendees left without even thinking of the remark. Those present walked away with a feeling of pride in the Republican Party - something Coulter certainly did not contribute toward.

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