The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Thursday March 6th

Police to staff Guster concert

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Five special appropriations requests and one new club request were approved at the Halloween meeting of the Student Finance Board (SFB).

The College Union Board (CUB) presented two requests, one in association with SFB. Their first request was for $2,574 to send four CUB and two SFB representatives to the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) National Convention. Their other request was for $2,610 for Campus Police to monitor the Guster concert on Nov. 14. Each request was fully funded in unanimous votes.

The NACA convention is imperative for CUB and SFB to learn about college booking and how to improve activities on campus. Representatives attend seminars about college programming and showcases with many agents for small and big acts. Many bands that perform in the Rathskellar were found through agents at this convention.

This convention is "essential for contacts . and events we want to fund," Jon Borst, SFB executive director, said.

Each representative attending the convention must pay for part of the trip, and CUB will take $100 out of their box office line and SFB will fundraise $100 per member to ease the cost of the trip.

In CUB's request to fund the Guster concert, police fees were not included. Six officers will be needed from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m., and two additional officers are needed for Guster's dressing room from 2 p.m. to 12 a.m.

The Woman's Center's request for $947 for their Alternative Beauty Pageant was fully funded in a unanimous vote.

The Alternative Beauty Pageant was created by Women's Center in reaction to a letter printed in The Signal about how one-sided feminism is.

Contestants are judged on their inner beauty with the competition showcasing various genders, ethnicities, ages and sizes. Twelve contestants from various campus organizations will compete for prizes.

As part of their expenses, the Women's Center requested $700 for Murray Hill, a transgender comedian who has performed with such bands as Le Tigre and The Gossip. Women's Center wants to bring Hill to host the show and further promote campus awareness of gender, race and ethnicity.

The National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) requested $1,186.50 for its annual Founders Day banquet. SFB passed a unanimous vote to allocate NCNW $901.50. SFB suggested fundraising and charging for admission into the banquet so NCNW could compensate for the remaining amount

The banquet is hosted in honor of the founder of NCNW, Mary McLeod Bethune, who founded "an organization that focuses on empowering and uplifting African American women," according to NCNW's request form. Every student is invited to attend the banquet to see what NCNW has been doing in terms of spreading awareness throughout the community.

INK, an organization dedicated to promoting writers, requested $1,632.65 to host The Goods. The request was fully funded in another unanimous vote.

The Goods, a student-run arts festival, is scheduled for Nov. 18. Writing, music and art will be showcased in the Rathskellar. The Goods will feature headliner Sam Lipsyte, author of "Home Land."

There was only one new club request made this week by the Student Chemist Association (SCA). In a 12-1 vote, SCA received recognition by the SFB as a club that can request funding and $154 for publicity.

This club is an opportunity for chemistry students to enjoy chemistry outside of classes. SCA is looking to find speakers to bring to the College to give presentations and take trips to such places as the Franklin Institute and the New Jersey Crime Lab.


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