The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Sunday March 9th

Guster's demands include healthy snacks

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Guster might have radio standards such as "Amsterdam," but did you know the band prefers red wine, soy milk and Odwalla juice drink? All bands have a list of demands, formally called "riders," in their contracts that lay out just what they want - from food, to drinks, to black athletic socks - when they perform. The Signal got a hold of Guster's demands to see just what the band, who performed Nov. 15 at the College, prefers in its dressing room.

For alcohol, Guster prefers California Cabernet, Pinot Grigio and single malt scotch (and, if you're stocking for their visit, they prefer Macallan or Lagavulin). They also have a taste for bourbon, preferring Maker's Mark and Knob Creek. If you want to get beer for the band, pick up a 12-pack of Stella Artois and Newcastle Brown Ale. But, also be sure to throw in six Guinnesses for good measure. Unfortunately, the band had to have its liquor standards met somewhere else. The College nixed these requests in the final form of the contract.

For non-alcoholic drinks, Guster's requests vary. They prefer Eden brand soy milk, but also need half a gallon of 2 percent milk. In case that's not enough, they want a liter of orange juice (freshly squeezed and on ice, of course), and half-liter bottles of spring water (just not Evian). The band also prefers a full tea service, with lemon and a mix of regular and herbal tea, including Earl Grey, Chamomile, English Breakfast, Lipton and peppermint.

Then there's the food. For a Tuesday show, Guster suggests "Italian" for dinner but begs in its rider, "***Please Be Creative***." Because there are vegetarians and tour members with strict dietary requirements, the band demands one meat, one seafood and one vegan entr?e for each show. Whatever the venue serves, though, it must be a "full, 3 course healthy meal, prepared by a chef." It emphasizes that "pizza, fast food, take out, etc. shall not be considered dinner."

For lunch, Guster prefers cold cuts. Not just any cold cuts, however. "All deli meats and cheeses must be organic and fresh. NO pre-packaged meats, NO pre-made Deli trays," the contract stated. All the cold-cuts must remain in their individual deli counter wrappings and kept on ice. As for the meats and cheeses themselves, Guster needs tuna salad, chicken salad, provolone, Swiss and cheddar cheese, turkey, salami, prosciutto and roast beef, all at half a pound. Of course, to please the vegetarians there must be "Tofurky" or "similar Vegan deli slices" with soy cheese.

Guster also has its guilty pleasures. While it might be health conscious with its bag of organic blue chips with black bean dip, the band follows it right up with a bag of Frito scoops. Other snacks include a box of Nabisco gummy snacks and two packs of Dentyne Artic Chill gum.

There are some less traditional requests too. Guster asked for, but did not get, a case of Emergen-C vitamin power, a package of black athletic socks and a DVD, which was supposed to be an "Indie Film or Cult Classic," according to the contract. How to determine whether a film is "mainstream" or "cult classic" was apparently a task to be left to the College Union Board.

Guster is also environmentally sensitive. Its contract states that there "MUST" be recycling bins in their catering area. Not just any recycling will do, however. There must be separate bins for plastics, glass, paper and aluminum. No Styrofoam is permitted.

The Signal received the contract after filing a New Jersey Open Public Records Act request with the College. When a reporter initially asked for the contract from Tim Asher, associate director of Campus Activities, Asher told the reporter he could "absolutely not" have the contract, citing confidentiality.

Nonetheless, the College's addendum to the contract warned that Guster couldn't have confidentiality in its contract. "Be advised that the State of New Jersey, Open Public Records Act provides that all state contracts are public information," the document stated.


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