On Wednesday, the Student Finance Board (SFB) passed a motion to deny funding to the Black Student Union (BSU) for its annual fashion show in Kendall Hall on Saturday, April 8.
The $4,102 request included dry cleaning costs for the designers providing outfits for the show, Kendall staffing, fliers and makeup for the models, among other items. Charging $5 and $7 for the College's students in advance and at the door, respectively, and $10 for non-students, the projected income of the show would have been only $148 less than the requested amount.
"It looks like they'd refund (SFB funding) anyway," Steve Viola, Student Government Association (SGA) liaison, said.
Because BSU did not subtract its projected income from the requested amount on the invoice, and the actual amount requested would only be $148, board members did not see a reason to fund an event that did not need substantial funding. In addition, in the past, the show has drawn more than its expected crowd, surpassing its projected income.
Board members were also agitated that BSU's request included items already purchased, such as fliers, and show practices that had already been held.
"The onus is on them to pay it back," Viola said.
A motion was passed 13-2 to give BSU zero funding.
The Intramural and Recreation Department appealed the budget cuts imposed by SFB at this year's budget retreat.
At the retreat, equipment was cut by 50 percent, awards were cut by 100 percent and its miscellaneous budget was cut by 100 percent.
Although the department will be able to request funding next school year through special appropriations, board members were wary of having to hear multiple requests as opposed to simply giving the department money allocated for an entire year.
In terms of equipment, most members agreed that the department should not have to purchase an entire new set of equipment each year, and they wished to keep the 50 percent decrease in funding.
Other members worried that the department would need at least increased funding due to the high number of students who take advantage of the intramural program.
"It's one of the largest programs that the most people use throughout the year," John Trahanas, junior representative, said.
Despite recognizing the importance of the department, the board passed a motion 13-2 to keep equipment funding the same.
The board also voted on the appeal for awards, with most members citing the importance of the awards to the intramural program.
"The awards are definitely a big aspect of intramurals," Martin Halldorson, senior representative, said. "It's all about the mugs."
A motion was passed to give 100 percent of the funding back to awards, allocating the department $2,736.
The miscellaneous line was also appealed. This line includes programs the department runs and co-sponsors throughout the year, such as Lollanobooza and Friday Night Fun Fest.
Although the board saw the value in these types of events, members felt that $3,134 was a large amount to allocate.
"I just feel like that's a lot to give to a miscellaneous line," Danielle Grinblat, financial director, said.
Ultimately, the board passed a motion 14-1 to give the department 50 percent of the requested $1,567.
TCNJ Swing requested funding to host a lecture, dance lesson and concert of lindy hop dancing by Junior Mance, a well-known jazz musician.
Because the organization did not include Kendall staffing, sound equipment or a technician in its request, the board passed a motion 15-0 to table the request until the following week when the request would be more complete.
The Physics Club also appealed its budget, citing that the board had misunderstood the nature of the club. Mike Hvasta, treasurer of the Physics Club, said he believed that SFB considered the club an honor society. SFB does not allocate money to organizations that are exclusive, such as honor societies.
The misunderstanding was cleared up, however, and the board unanimously voted to give the organization $102, which includes funding for office supplies and an August/September program. The board also unanimously voted to still keep the club's fall semester program and Smithsonian museum trip cut from the budget.
BSU appealed its budget and requested that its Unity Jam, held in early September, be funded.
The board passed a motion 14-0-1 to fully fund the $300 request.
The board elected its executive board for the 2006-2007 school year. Jon Borst, administrative director, is the new executive director; Omar Selim, junior representative, is the new operations director; Erica Klazmer, sophomore representative, is the new administrative director; and Terence Grado, freshman representative, is the new executive assistant.