With gas prices steadily rising and all your hard-earned summer savings running out fast, a trip off campus may seem impossible.
But there are other ways to get to New York, Hoboken or just home for the weekend. And to help college students realize just that, NJ Transit is running a free rides week for all college students.
From Sept. 12 through Sept. 18, students will be allowed free boarding on NJ Transit trains and buses with a valid college ID.
The program is part of an on-going project by NJ Transit to encourage college students, who are rarely reliant on public transportation, to use New Jersey's mass transit system.
This is the second year NJ Transit has offered a free rides week. According to NJ Transit's Web site, the goal of this year's efforts is "to better aquaint college students throughout New Jersey" with its services.
So if you've been dying to get to that new bar/movie/play or just get a home-cooked meal from mom, check out what NJ Transit has to offer.
You may learn something. And even if not, what do you have to lose?
After all, its free.
For more information, check out njtransit.com.