The Signal

Serving the College since 1885

Saturday November 23rd

Teams spin the wheel, buy vowels to support future alums

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The Future Alumni Association (FAA) spun the wheel during their second annual game show night last Wednesday. Their show of choice this year was "Wheel of Fortune" with campus organizations playing for prizes.

The winners, for the second year in a row, were the women's rugby team, who won $40 in cash and another $10 for guessing correctly in the bonus round.

"We're going to Hooters!" Cheryl Strelko, junior chemistry major and member of the rugby team, said, referencing the Hooters coupons members of the team and others in the audience received.

Other raffle prizes included free movie rentals at Blockbuster and a chance to play in a special round for raffle winners.

The rules for FAA's Wheel of Fortune were the same as those for the ABC game show. A projector and laptop were used to display the puzzles and a homemade spinner determined the value of each letter.

There were 15 minutes of play in each round, which amounted to about four puzzles, all of which pertained to the College. Categories included "On the Menu," "Past Presidents" and the Wheel of Fortune classic "Before and After."

The top scorers in each round played in the final round, after which the winner moved on to the bonus round.

Some puzzle answers included a before and after of "Brower Student Center for Campus Wellness" and "Whose Line is it Anyway," in the famous guests category.

By far the most difficult category, "Past Presidents," included figures such as Jerohn J. Savits (president from 1917-1923). While other puzzles were guessed quickly, the past presidents befuddled the players, keeping them spinning and guessing letters until the very end.

Phi Sigma Sigma, the College Union Board (CUB), 'ink,' Society for Human Resource Management, Order of the Golden Lion, Delta Phi Epsilon, Phi Alpha Delta and the Leadership Development Program all entered teams. There was an $8 charge to enter a team and a $2 admission fee for audience members.

"It was fun to have won two years in a row," Sonya Spradley, sophomore criminal justice major and member of the rugby team, said.

Strelko added, "We're always really inspired when food is used as a motivation."

"It was really great to see that all my years of being lazy and watching game shows paid off," Spradley said.

Liz Ricketts, junior English and secondary education major and president of FAA, said her organization "really wanted to host an event that the campus would enjoy."

She regretted the low attendance, as many chairs were left unfilled in the lounge of Cromwell Hall.

"We would've liked to have more people come, but it seemed like those who did come had a good time," Ricketts said.

FAA raised money for the organization, though Ricketts said their main reason for playing was just to have a fun activity for the campus community.

Melanie Fickas, junior special education major and member of FAA, headed the Wheel of Fortune committee. She said that some of the women from FAA had suggested the game.

"We raised a little money, but we really wanted people to come out and have fun and see what we're all about," Ricketts said.


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