Letter to the Editor:
I am writing this letter in response to Todd Carter's article "Gay marriage harms society far more than it helps." Mr. Carter did a lot of research to present his case and I just wanted to present a little research of my own to make a point in how our society could be helped in another way. It is a well-known fact that straight men are the demographic that is most likely to sexually or physically harm children. The two groups of people who are least likely to harm children, either sexually or physically, are straight women and homosexual men. Through this research and deduction, society would greatly improve if straight men were prohibited from having any contact with children, for they are obviously the group most likely to harm them. Therefore, all children in the future should be raised by the groups that are least likely to harm them. Divorce rates would plummet and an entire generation would be well-dressed, physically fit, educated, and really, really good looking. What a great idea!
John Kell
TCNJ alumnus '04