Dear Signal Staff (particularly "Sports Editor"),
I am appalled by your constant failure to acknowledge the existence of TCNJ's golf team. I realize that for most students golf is not as interesting to read about as football, field hockey, basketball, etc... And frankly, I would never ask, nor desire, to see your coverage of those sports be replaced by golf. My complaint is that in my 4 years at this college I can count the number of times the golf team has been mentioned in the Signal on one hand-and still have fingers left over. I am not asking for much, but when you do a "Spring Sports Preview" and list every single spring sport except the golf team, it's a bit insulting. We are not a club sport. We are a legitimate varsity sport and are treated as such by everyone but the Signal. Local papers have no problem covering all of our tournaments, but our own campus paper will not even acknowledge us! I do not demand front page headlines, but if you are mentioning the more obscure sports I urge you to remember the existence of the golf team in future issues.
Dan Pickering
Class of 2005
Golf Team Captain