The Student Government Association is on its way to reformation, according to Pedro Khoury, SGA president. Khoury spoke about the resolutions for no confidence and for resignation put up against him and how there is always room for improvement within the group. He tried to pass on his message of hope and revitalization to the rest of the organization.
"These past six or seven days have been life-changing," Khoury said. He went on to note that this was a time in which SGA had to excel and work cooperatively, but at the same time keep ideas freely flowing.
Khoury introduced a new addition to the agenda called "President's Questions," during which people could feel free to ask questions of Khoury about SGA. This could open the campus up to see what SGA does and question its actions if necessary. This would all be part of the plan to spread the word of the SGA and gain confidence from students.
The executive board also proposed a way in which to help the SGA. It decided on a committee for reform that would consist of different members of the SGA. The committee would meet to brainstorm ways to make the organization more efficient.
Khoury ended his speech on a positive note by saying, "We will conduct business not as usual but a little better." He noted that the SGA could always do more to help the entire community of the College.
According to Thea Schoenberg, executive officer of Student Services, students will soon have answers to questions that have come up all semester about Sodexho and the new Carte Blanche system. The answers will be available online shortly after all of the answers are double-checked with Sodexho superiors.
Students were also encouraged to go online to for information on the progress of the new dining system. Students ask questions and see the reports on the changes that have already been made on the site.
For even more input, there will soon be a survey of the student population regarding Carte Blanche. After one-third of the student population is surveyed the data will be used to help dining services with possible reforms.
SGA passed the bill on starting a Senior Week Committee. This committee will be a subcommittee of College and Community Relations, but they will have its own autonomy, allowing the Senior Week Committee to make its own decisions.
Many members of SGA rallied for the bill because of the huge responsibility that comes along with planning such a large event with such a large budget (last year's budget was $10,000). The bill was passed unanimously with no abstentions.
Other smaller points were covered in the meeting. One was the campus directories that have to be reprinted because they included students' campus addresses.
It was also reaffirmed that SGA and Inter-Greek Council will be co-hosting this year's 24-hour Student Center. There is still no definite resolution to the upper classmen's complaints about the guests allowed in Centennial and Norsworthy Halls after 8 p.m.