On Oct. 12, at 2:05 a.m., Campus Police responded to a report of a group of individuals throwing water bottles off the Lot 8 parking garage roof. Upon arrival, the officers noticed four men looking over the roof's ledge.
A fifth unconscious person was sitting in the front passenger seat of a 2001 Ford pickup truck with his head hanging out of the window. He did not respond to questions and there was vomit on the side of the vehicle.
One of the five men said they had been drinking and the fifth individual had vomitted. Lions EMS arrived and transported the unconscious man to Helene Fuld Medical Center.
Upon investigation, the officers noticed 500-milliliter bottles of Dannon Spring water in the back seat of the car, identical to those found on the lawn outside the parking deck.
All five men handed over their licenses and car keys until they were able to return to the College. A property report was filed. There is no further information at this time.
On Oct. 12, at 2:45 a.m., an officer found pieces of the Paul Loser Hall sign outside the Brower Student Center circle. The pieces were scattered over the grass and a search of the area revealed no suspects or witnesses. There is no further information at this time.
On Oct. 11, between 11:00 p.m. and 1:30 a.m., a pocketbook was stolen from the Centennial Hall security desk. The woman who signed in at the security desk was unaware that she left it there, and didn't realize her purse was gone until around 1:30 a.m. The officers advised the woman to cancel her credit cards. The total value of the contents was $243. There is no further information at this time.
Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 14, a College-owned computer was stolen from a staff member's office. The person who worked there hadn't been in the office for a month and wasn't sure when the PC was taken.
Nothing else appeared to have been stolen. There is no further information at this time.
On Oct. 13, a door in the Social Science Building was tampered with.
The doorframe was observed to have two marks on each side of the door from what appeared to be a flat screwdriver, or other similar prying tool.
The lock mechanism was also damaged and the middle tab that keeps the other tabs locked was broken. The lock was now able to be opened with a credit card.
The key mechanism was not working, but the door could be locked with the pushed button until a locksmith could fix or replace the lock.
Nothing appeared to be missing from the inside. There is no suspects for witnesses at this time.
On Oct.19, a Green Chevrolet ran through a stop sign at the corner of C Street and Metzger Drive South.
When police officers stopped the vehicle, the driver informed the officers that he had left his license with the security desk in Travers Hall, but he provided his insureance and registration for a moped license.
While talking to the driver, the officers noticed a strong smell of alcohol on the driver's breath.
The driver denied drinking twice despite the fact that the officers were convinced they smelled alcohol on his person.
The officers took him to the headquarters where the driver took two chemical breath tests.
The first result was .10 and the second was .11. The 17-year-old driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
While being processed, the drive had a difficult time staying awake and kept nodding off on the bench.
He was releaseded to his parents and issued three summonses.