About a dozen drawings of male genitalia were drawn with permanent marker and a Vaseline-like substance on wall, doors, door tags and dry erase boards in Eickhoff Hall on morning of Sunday, Nov. 2. Directly following the incident, the guilty party(ies) annonymously left one dollar bills under resident's doors to repay them for the damages.
The vandalism occured between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. and was later found by hall security at the beginning of their shift.
The drawings ranged in size from six inches up to nearly eight feet in length.
Building services was contacted immediately and workers temporarily covered the drawings with paper until they could be painted over.
Three out of the four Eickhoff community advisors held subsequent floor meetings that Monday to try to determine the perpetrator. However, no suspects have yet been found.
Because no one has come forward to claim responsibility, the charges for the repairs were to be split among all of the hall's residents.
A day or two after the meetings, however, many residents found dollar bills slipped under their doors with an attached note that read, "This should cover the penis removal expenses. Have a nice day."
A fee of $10 will be charged for each patch of paint that is used.
No figure for the total cost is available, despite requests made by students at the floor meetings.
According to Brian Mulvihill, junior business major and resident of Eickhoff Hall, vandalism is frequent in this particular hall, as this is the fifth time it has occurred this year.
"Vandalism like this at an institution of higher education is inappropriate," Mulvihill said. Steven Bobo, director of Residence Life for Eickhoff Hall, is dismayed by the student defacement of school property.
He asks anyone who has information on this act of vandalism, or any previous acts, to contact Residence Life at extension 2140, or reslife@tcnj.edu.