Two organizations, Vox and Men's Club Soccer, requested new club budgets from SFB although they had received previous budgets.
Neither organization requested funding last year.
Vox, the Voice of Planned Parenthood, received full funding, $771, with a vote of 7-0-6. Men's Club Soccer received $817 of their requested $2,400, which passed 10-3-1.
Vox also received full funding for its conference request of $162, which passed unanimously.
The Political Science Club also made a conference request of $3,263, and received $2,353, which passed at 10-3-1.
The Student Government Association (SGA) requested a ticket price approval of $10 per ticket for Senior Night, that passed with a vote of 12-0-1.
Women's Club Soccer received the re-approval and appropriation of $1,154 that they received last year but did not spend, by a vote of 11-0-2.
Vox's request consisted of publicity, office supplies, as well as condoms and Chapstick to be distributed to students of the College.
Chapstick, according to Jackie Cornell, president of Vox, is a form of herpes prevention.
Sneha Gandhi, senior representative, said, "(Vox is) really active, but I think $478 is a lot for a publicity request of a newer club."
Several members questioned why the Women's Center and Health Center are not helping the organization with funding.
"I think they are in collusion with the Women's Center, but they are a totally separate entity that should have their own budget," Jared Breunig, director of communication, said.
Vox's request for a grassroots conference at the College, also to be attended by students of Rutgers and Princeton, was for $162.
A motion for full funding passed with a vote of 14-0-0.
John Jaskula, co-president of Men's Club Soccer, said that a large portion of last year's team was composed of seniors.
As a result, the organization fell apart this year as the sophomores tried to take over.
The club requested 25 uniforms, 18 to be handed to players that would best benefit the team.
The remaining seven will be circulated among the other players.
These uniforms consist of shirts, shorts, socks and alternate jerseys.
The club requested uniforms because the seniors never returned them last year.
The club's request also included a game and referee fee, eight practice balls and three professional Nike balls for games.
Nadraga motioned for $812 for game fees, T-shirts and official balls. The motion passed with a vote of 10-3-1.
The Political Science Club made a conference request for a four day Model U.N. trip. Twelve students from the International Organization class (POLS 335-01), and 14 additional members of the Political Science Club, are to attend the conference.
A motion was made to include the student contributions of $100 a student. The resulting $2,353 passed with a vote of 10-3-1.
Bill Carroll, junior accountant, and Jennyfer Nesci, director of finance, were introduced, and will be present at future SFB meetings.
Nesci is a voting member of the board, "because if she's sitting and offering information she might as well carry a vote," Craig Gross, SFB chairperson, said.