SGA President Christina Puglia has set up several meetings with Vice President for Student Life Mary-Elaine Perry and College President R. Barbara Gitenstein, because she is unsatisfied with the amount of information SGA has obtained about the reorganization of the Student Life Office.
Puglia said that at a Sept. 5 meeting with Perry and seven other student leaders, Perry did not satisfactorily answer questions about the reasons for and the effects of the plan to reorganize the Student Life Office.
At Puglia's regular meeting with Gitenstein the following week, Gitenstein said she will make sure that SGA gets all the information that it needs about the reorganization of Student Life.
She suggested a second meeting between Puglia, Perry, the seven other student leaders who attended the first meeting and herself. The latest meeting is not yet scheduled.
Puglia said that the meetings are "incredible progress" for SGA. Gitenstein's suggestion of a second meeting shows, "that we have people we can go to when we need information."
Puglia said that SGA possesses the potential to have a significant influence on the reorganization of Student Life.
She added, however, that "we can't lose sight of the fact that (the reorganization of Student Life) is still an important issue."
Puglia said that SGA does not yet have a stance on the reorganization of Student Life.
SGA considered passing a resolution on the reorganization, but has now decided to wait until after the second meeting with Perry and Gitenstein.
The reorganization is scheduled to take effect in October.
SGA Executive Vice President Laura Delucia said Gitenstein created the Community Building and Communication Task Force this semester.
The task force will be composed of administrative officials, Delucia, and an SGA senator and will attempt to facilitate communication between the SGA and the administration.
Delucia said the task force will help prevent conflicts between the administration and SGA.
Gitenstein promised to release more details about the task force within the next two weeks.
Joe Schramm, senator of Science and SFB liaison, announced that SFB restrictions on events co-sponsored by groups financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and those that are not funded by the SAF have been almost completely eliminated.
The only remaining restriction is that advertising for events must state that the sponsorship money comes from the SAF and that the events are open to all students.
Schramm said SFB hopes the reforms will encourage more cooperation between SAF-funded groups and non-SAF-funded groups, especially the Greek organizations.
Lauren Lebano, senator of Education was sworn in as vice president of Academic Affairs.
Also, associate member Sara Potter was sworn in as vice president of Student Services.
Ashlee Stetser, senator of Culture and Society, announced her resignation two days ago. She said that she did not have enough time to commit to SGA.