Nadia Gorski, along with Christina Puglia and Annelise Catanzaro, who shared campaign posters and T-shirts, were elected to the positions of executive president, executive vice president and alternate student trustee of the Student Governement Association (SGA) Executive Board.
Mike Cilia was re-elected to his position as vice president of administration and finance.
Those elected that ran unopposed were Jamie Gusrang, vice president of academic affairs, Marco Zelaya, vice president of legal and governmental affairs, Laura DeLucia, vice president of student services and Caitlin Shinneford, vice president of community relations.
Elections were held on Monday, April 14, and Tuesday, April 15, in the Brower Student Center.
According to election chair Monique Manfra, the elections went "very, very well."
Gusrang agreed they were a success because Manfra "was fair and followed the rules."
Manfra said that she would like to see more people running for positions because more candidates would increase the number of voters.
According to Manfra, only 820 students of the College voted.
Manfra added that if more candidates were to run, "it would make (the elections) more fun."
Roy D. Johnson Jr., who lost as alternate student trustee, said "although I don't have many years for comparison, I thought the elections were run very poorly."
Johnson said that it was disappointing that such a small percentage of the College voted. However, he felt that the lack of interest in the elections reflected directly on the SGA itself, because the organization has "been inactive and done nothing for the student body all year."
Johnson said that by no means was this "bitter talk," and that although he will not be involved in SGA next year, he may consider running for a position the following year.
"I plan to give my energy next year to BSU, who actually does something for this campus," Johnson said.
As president elect, Gorski said she was happy with the elections. "I'm glad with the outcome, and relieved that they are over," she said.
Gorski said that she is looking forward to begin her new position. "I have a great senate coming in, and I'm ready to do the job that I was elected to do," she said.
DeLucia also said that she enthusiastic and ready to start doing her job. "I am eager to work with my committee on issues such as getting a 24-hour facility on campus," she said.
Catanzaro said that she would like to thank everyone that voted. "I'm excited to learn more about my position and to run elections myself next year," she said.